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Music Scores & Sheet Music: Indexes

This guide is intended to provide guidance for students in finding music scores and sheet music.

Finding scores and sheet music using an index

Use specialized indexes to direct you to scores that have been published in a variety of sources.  There are many indexes out there, so try more than one.  Once you have found a citation to a score published in another source, check our library catalogue to see if we own or provide electronic access to the other source.

Perform an ADVANCED subject SEARCH in our library catalogue, using the terms "music" and "bibliography" to access a more complete list of our index holdings.

Indexes to scores in anthologies

Electronic and full text indexes to scores

Grove Music Online - This database provides extensive indexes to scores in collections.  Click on the WORKS tab in composer entries to see the full lists.

Classical Scores Library - An Alexander Street Press database with access to thousands of scores and sheet music