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Alberta Rare Bird Records: Home

A listing of all rare bird records accepted by the Alberta Bird Record Committee (ABRC) and its predecessors.


The list below is a compilation of rare bird records in Alberta. Note that only full species currently identified on the Alberta Bird Record Committee's (ABRC) Review List with fewer than 16 accepted provincial records are included.

To date, the following sources have been consulted:

  • The fourteen reports of the ABRC (1997-2023). Corrections made in corrigenda have been incorporated into the records below.
  • Alberta Birds, 1961-1970, by Sadler and Myers. Records Sadler and Myres enclosed in square brackets, which they considered "doubtful," are not included below.
  • Alberta Birds, 1971-1980, by Pinel, Smith, and Wershler (Volume 1: Non-Passerines). Hypothetical records indicated with square brackets and those described as "unconfirmed" are not included below.
  • Alberta Birds, 1971-1980, by Pinel, Smith, and Wershler (Volume 2: Passerines). Hypothetical records indicated with square brackets and those described as "unconfirmed" are not included below.
  • The Birds of Alberta, by Salt and Salt.
  • Select entries in The Birds of Canada, by W. Earl Godfrey.
  • Select specimen records at the Royal Alberta Museum.
  • Select reports from American Birds, Blue Jay, PICA, and The Canadian Field-Naturalist.
  • eBird

Records that are included in the eBird database but have not yet been adjudicated by the ABRC and published in a report are coloured green. Documentation for many of these is currently under review by the ABRC.

The numbers of records of species is indicated beside species' names in square brackets.

For an explanation of the codes assigned to records by the ABRC, see this document.

Should you notice any errors or have questions or concerns, please email me at If you have observed a bird that is on the ABRC's Review List but is not listed below (and has not been adjudicated by the ABRC), please complete and submit this online form!

Compiled by David Scott. Last updated December 9, 2024.

Species Records

Tundra Bean-Goose (Anser serrirostris) [1+1]

  • Peenaquim Park, Lethbridge, with Canada Geese; 9-10 January 2019; written report with 3 images (David Scott). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cochrane Lake; 16-21 October 2024. (eBird)

Garganey (Spatula querquedula) [6+1]

  • One male near Galahad; 7 May 1977; photograph (J. Sars, Karl Sars). First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Near Strathmore; 12-15 June 1982; description (Moray J. Lewis). (Code 3; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Taber; 6-26 May 1990; 1 slide (Lloyd Bennett), photo in American Birds 44: 445 (1990), articles in Alberta Bird Atlas Newsletter 5(1): 3-4 (1991) and Alberta Naturalist 25(1): 12 (1993) (Lloyd Bennett), two descriptions (Ross D. Dickson, Doug Collister). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC; see also Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Taber; 25 July 1991; 1 slide (Lloyd Bennett) and brief description in Alberta Naturalist 25(1): 12 (1993). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Winagami Lake Provincial Park; 15 May 1992; description with sketch (John B. and Marion E. Steeves). (Code 3; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Taber; 17 May - 7 June 1993; 2 slides (Lloyd Bennett) and brief description in Alberta Naturalist 25(1): 12 (1993) (Lloyd Bennett). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC; see also Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Slough at intersection of Township Rd. 494 and RR 184 in Beaver County; 30 May - 7 June 2022. (eBird)

Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) [2+1]

  • McElroy Slough near Calgary; 3-5 May 1992; two descriptions, one with sketch (Ross Dickson, Ray Wershler). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 2; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Weed Lake; 23-29 April 2020; image posted on Albertabird and eBird (S67764656 Fred Bowen), other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Picture Butte Reservoir; 4-8 April 2023. (eBird)

King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) [3]

  • Immature male near Calgary; 4 November 1894; shot and accompanied by a much whiter eider that may have been an adult male. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Brooks area; during spring in the early 1960s (Chuck A. Gordon per Thomas S. Sadler). (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Lake Minnewanka, Banff Natl Park; 17-25 December 2005; written descriptions (Reno Sommerhalder, Jason Rogers, Royce Howland), one with sketch (Jason Rogers), another with 4 images (Royce Howland); also 3 images of partly-eaten carcass (Doug & Donna McKown). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)

Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) [5]

  • Cold Lake; 11 November 1993; description with sketches (Richard Klauke). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Cold Lake; late November to mid-December 2001; brief note with 5 images captured from video (Richard Klauke; 8 December 2001). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cold Lake; 4 December 2002; written description with sketch (Terry Thormin). (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • N end of Pine Coulee Reservoir, W of Stavely; 20 November 2005; written description with sketch and 2 images (Teresa & Doug Dolman). This bird appears to be of the eastern subspecies based on pattern of feathering on the side of the bill. (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Horseshoe Bay, Cold Lake; 23 November - 3 December 2017; images (Richard Klauke [1]; Gerald Romanchuk [3], including video at (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) [1]

  • 15 km W of Garden River; just outside Wood Buffalo National Park; 18 December 2011; written report (Kevin Kuipers) and 2 images (Peter Storer); also publication: K. Kuipers, N. Kuipers and P. Storer. 2012. Rock Ptarmigan – a new bird for Alberta. Blue Jay 70(1): 56-57. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)

White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) [11+2]

  • Slave Lake; 25-28 June 1997; ten photographs (Brian Dunlop, Dennis Verbeek), and one description (Jason Rogers). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Ponoka; 6 September 1997. (eBird)
  • N of Lacombe (34 Wildrose Street, Rosedale Valley); 1 September - 9 October 2003; written description (Mike Mulligan), photograph (Richard Klauke), 3 photographs (Alan Fishkin), written description with 2 photographs (Ross Lein). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Blackfalds; 6-13 August 2005; 4 digital images (Tammy and Allan White), forwarded by Geoffrey A. Williamson, IL. (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • NW Calgary; 27 April 2006; two photographs (Holle Hahn). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Medicine Hat; from late October to about third week of November 2007; several images (Ron Chaykowski). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Waiparous, NW of Cochrane; since about 2 October 2010, was still seen daily in the spring of 2011; several images (Jim H. Davis [1], Dan Kingston [2]). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cardston; from 15 May 2016 for a few days; written report with 1 image (more images available on Flickr; Bob and Emilie Pruner). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Fort McMurray; 2 December 2016; written report with 1 image (more taken; Christine Godwin, Ken Foster and Christine Sparling). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Canyon Meadows, SW Calgary; 10 May 2017; written report (John Shelford). (Code 3; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Slave Lake; 28 October 2019; written report and 1 image (Wayne and Kathryn Bowles). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Vilna (Smoky Lake Co.); from 21 October to about 6 December 2020; written report with 3 images (Mary Shupe-Moore). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lynnwood, Calgary; 23 November 2022. (eBird)

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) [7]

  • Edmonton; 14 September 1968; adult female struck a window and was donated to the collection of the Provincial Museum and Archives of Alberta by Dr. Cyril Hampson. First documented occurrence in the province. (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Rocky Mountain House; 25 July 1971; photograph (Bill Mathews); bird hit a window and was captured alive, but soon died. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Elk Island Provincial Park; 12 July 1987; two photographs and brief description (Bob Carroll). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Found frozen in Edmonton (P. Bidwell); April 2000; photographs of specimen and skeleton in the Provincial Museum Z01.3.1. (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Pincher Creek; 25 November 2001; several photographs with brief description (Carita Bergman). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Claresholm; 7-8 October 2011; written report (Jason Attwell) with 1 image (Hanna Tweedy). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Suncor's Fort Hill's facility (N of Fort Mckay); found dead on 4 October 2017; picture taken of dead bird (Christine Gardham Dennis); museum specimen (PMA Z21.1.2). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) [1]

  • Carburn Park, Calgary; 20 May 2022; written reports (Ramona, Calvin and Liesl Snider, David Soltess) and images (David Soltess [7]); video at; also images (26) on eBird checklist S110805555 (Calvin Snider). First accepted occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Vaux's Swift (Chaetura vauxi) [3+many]

  • Gap Lake, W of Exshaw; 16 May 2019; written report and 9 images (Caroline Lambert). First accepted occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Three at Exshaw Sewage Ponds, Exshaw; 21 May 2020; written report with several (4) images, also report on eBird (S69432798 Ethan and Neil Denton). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Two at Beaver Mines Lake, Castle Provincial Park; 28 August 2021; written report and 3 images (Michelle Schreder). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • There are dozens of reports of Vaux's Swift in Alberta accepted in eBird, many of which are in Waterton Lakes National Park. While Vaux's Swift is the expected Chaetura species in this area, few records are documented well enough to rule out Chimney Swift. Consequently, few records have been accepted (or solicited) by the ABRC.

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) [3]

  • Flock at Mount Lorette, Kananaskis Valley; 13 September 1996; three descriptions with sketches (Peter Sherrington, Brian Elder, Tom Bishop). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 2; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Dinosaur Provincial Park; 25 May - 22 June 1999; two descriptions, one with sketches (Cedric Hitchon, Bob Parsons and Nikolas Romaniuk). (Code 2; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Sheep River Valley; 10 September 2020; 2 written reports (Ray and Cleve Wershler). (Code 2; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Mexican Violetear (Colibri thalassinus) [1]

  • Peter Lougheed Provincial Park; 13 August - 18 September 1993; 11 prints by two sets of observers (Bill and Patti Johnson, Ken Spreadbury) and recollections gathered by Peter Sherrington; identified by Kenn Kaufman. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)

Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri) [14+11+]

  • One male found dead at Calgary; 25 June 1979; PMA specimen. First odcumented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Priddis Creek; 27 July 1995. (eBird)
  • Brule (hamlet); 21 June 2007; written report (Linda Morgan) and 8 digital images (Beth MacCallum). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Feeder in Beaver Mines; 2 September 2013; image (Malcolm McDonald). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Mountain View; 21 May 2015; brief description of behaviour and 2 images (Nancy West). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Hillcrest Mines; 30 July 2016; written report with 2 images (Pat and Jim Lucas). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Hillcrest Mines; 8 August 2018; 1 image (Gerry Fox) and correspondence with Sheri Williamson (James Fox); image posted on eBird (S47785876 & S47739287). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Willow Creek; 30 May 2019; 1 image (Jeanne Burnham). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Hillcrest Mines; June 2019, apparently there for several weeks; 1 image (Pat Lucas); several other images on eBird. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Pincher Creek; 24-31 July 2020; written report and 2 images (Asher Warkentin; S71979491 on eBird). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Pincher Creek; 24-25 May 2021; written report and 2 images (Asher Warkentin). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Farm E of Pincher Creek; 27-29 May 2021; written report and 3 images (Asher Warkentin). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Male and female in Canmore; 4-10 June 2021; written report and 4 images (Ethan Denton [3], Miles Tindal [1]). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Hillcrest Mines; 22-28 July 2021; written report (Pat Lucas) and several images on eBird (S92178758, S92178990, S92218968, S92326880, etc.). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park (Upper Waterton Lake beach); 25 July 2021; written report (Kirstin Kveder). (Code 3; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Farm E of Pincher Creek; 17-18 May 2022. (eBird)
  • Residence W of Pincher Creek; 30 May - 1 June 2022. (eBird)
  • Mountain View; 31 May 2022. (eBird)
  • Beaver Mines Lake; 9-10 August 2022. (eBird)
  • Sunridge Park, Lethbridge; 9-10 August 2022. (eBird)
  • Pigeon Lake; 10 August 2022. (eBird)
  • Beaver Mines; 11 August 2022. (eBird)
  • Mountain View; 25 May 2023. (eBird)
  • Residence W of Pincher Creek; 25 May 2023. (eBird)
  • Hillcrest Mines; 29 August - 3 September 2023. (eBird)
  • As this species occurs regularly in the province and will soon be falling off of the review list, I have ceased adding eBird records to the list.

Costa's Hummingbird (Calypte costae) [4]

  • Ponoka; 30 June - 25 July 1988; one print (Ethel McLellan). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Sherwood Park; 9 August 1998; specimen (Mrs. S. Barnett). (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Subadult male at feeder in Beaver Mines; 18-24 July 2014; brief description and 2 images (Peter Sherrington). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Subadult male at an acreage outside Sherwood Park; 16-21 November 2015; written report and 4 images (Vincent Cottrell); 5 images posted on Albertabird (Steve Knight). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris) [1]

  • Beaver Mines; 27 September 2012; detailed field notes with illustration (Peter Sherrington). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)

Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata) [1]

  • Along Hwy 23 in a small pond between Hwy 799 and 804; 11 July 2010; written report (Gary Edelman). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Tenth Report of the ABRC)

Common Crane (Grus grus) [5]

  • Near Cavendish; 11-20 December 1957; photograph. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Near Stirling Lake, south of Lethbridge; 20 March 1958; photograph. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Near Athabasca; 19 September 1958; in the company of Sandhill Cranes. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Deadhorse Lake, near Hussar; 6 October 2012; brief description (Sheila Clark) and 4 images (Bruce Anderson [3], Sheila Clark [1]). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • W of Veteran; 11 April 2017; written report and 1 image (Azusa, Hana, Mena and Tiger Watson). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) [4+2]

  • Tofield; 9 September 1925. (Godfrey, 1986)
  • Alberta Beach (E shore of Lac Ste. Anne); 8 October 2011; several images on Nikonians (Steve Knight [8]) and PBase (Gerald Romanchuk [4]). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Langdon Reservoir, E of Calgary; 4 October 2013; written report (Ray Wershler). (Code 3; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Township Rd. 720 and RR 65 west of Grande Prairie; 3-6 June 2021; written report (Nicholas Carter) and several images (Nicholas Carter [6], Lauri Doucette [2], Wendy Kempert [5]). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Frank Lake; 5 July 2022. (eBird)
  • Langdon Reservoir; 10 October 2022. (eBird)

Siberian Sand-Plover (Charadrius mongolus) [1]

  • Syncrude site north of Fort MacKay; 18 June 1984; several colour slides. First documented occurrence in the province. (The Canadian Field-Naturalist, 100, pp. 257-258, 1986)

Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus) [6+2]

  • Chappice Lake near Medicine Hat; 7 June 1990; three photographs (Wayne Smith), article in Northwestern Naturalist 75:20 (1994) (Paul Goossen, Cleve Wershler and Wayne Smith). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Muriel Lake; 30 May 2008; written report and 1 image (Roy Schmelzeisen and Velma Hudson). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cooking Lake; 2 June 2009; written report and 1 image (Gerald Romanchuk). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Chip Lake; 30 May 2015; image posted on ABA Rare Bird Alert Facebook (Alex Woods). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Two near Chauvin; 27 May 2019; written report and 3 images (David Duncan). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Weed Lake S Viewpoint (Glenmore Trail), E of Langdon; 17 May 2022; written reports (Keith Miles, Gerry Miles and Annie Finch, John Riddell and Lynn Vogt) and images (Lynn Vogt and John Riddell [5]); also images posted on eBird checklist S110509269 (Keith Miles [2]). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • West Reflex Lake; 28-30 July 2023. (eBird)
  • Namaka Lake; June 9, 2024. (eBird)

Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) [1]

  • Tyrrell Lake, Warner County; 11 May 2022; written report and 5 images (David Scott). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) [2]

  • Along Boundary Road near Redcliff; 7 April 2006; digital image (Brad Thickson). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Lethbridge; 6 April 2022; written report, 3 images and 3 audio recordings (David Scott). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Wandering Tattler (Tringa incana) [10+2]

  • Tupper Creek and east shore of Swan Lake, west of Grande Prairie; 28-30 May 1938; specimen collected. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Patricia Lake near Jasper; 2 July 1961 (E. Otto Höhn). (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • "A lake a few miles northwest of Edmonton"; June 1965. (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Waterton; June 1965 (National Geographic reporter). (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Waterton; 9 May 1967. (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Four at Beaverhill Lake; 2 September 1973. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Cheadle; 25 July 1974 (Tom Sadler). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 3-4 September 1996; two descriptions with sketches (Michael Harrison, John Steeves), brief description (Harold Pinel). (Code 2; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory; 19 May 2009. (eBird)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park; 17 July 2015; eBird checklist S24750380 with video, image and description of the bird’s vocalizations (Ian Cruickshank). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Bear Lake, NW of Grande Prairie; 25-27 June 2020; written report (David and Marilee Rhody, Rick Scott), images (Rick Scott, Sylvain Bourdages, Colin Tennant; also posted on eBird (S70863029 David Rhody; S70864804 Colin Tennant)). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cindy Conservation Area; 9-11 June 2024. (eBird)

Black Turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala) [1]

  • Langdon Reservoir near Calgary; 16-19 October 1998; two photographs (Bill Walker), seven descriptions, most with sketches (Reid Barclay, John Riddell, Lynn Vogt, Ray Wershler, Bill Walker). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)

Surfbird (Calidris virgata) [1]

  • Beaverhill Lake; 21-22 September 1975; photograph (Richard Klauke). First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)

Ruff (Calidris pugnax) [9+10]

  • Near Calgary; 15 May 1967 (B. Jones); one male collected from a group of two males and two females is in the collection of the Museum of Zoology, University of Calgary. First documented occurrence in the province. (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • One male at St. Albert; 6-9 May 1976. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • One adult at Beaverhill Lake; 8 May 1978 (Dick Dekker). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • One male at Edmonton; 6-10 May 1979. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Chestermere Lake; 24 July 1982. (eBird)
  • Langdon Corner Slough; 14 August 1983. (eBird)
  • Muriel Lake; 22 May 1989. (eBird)
  • Langdon Reservoir; 29 September 1990. (eBird)
  • Sadler's Slough; 2 September 1996. (eBird)
  • 100 Street SE, Calgary; 26 August 2000. (eBird)
  • Near Crossfield; 15 May 2001; photographs and description (M. Ross Lein and Valerie A. Haines). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Sloughs along RR284 just S of TR231 SE of Shepard; 16 August 2007; 1 digital image posted on Albertabird Yahoo! website (Randy Kimura). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Slough at corner of Glenmore Trail and Highway 24; 11 August 2008. (eBird)
  • Juvenile on slough in NW corner of SR 582 and Range Road 34 W of Didsbury; 6 September 2009; description of bird and 4 images (Ray Woods). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Weed Lake; 16 August 2013. (eBird)
  • Rotary/Mattamy Wetlands, Calgary; 31 August - 5 September, 2020; written report and 9 images (Don Cassidy). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • RR 284 Slough, SE of Calgary; 3 May 2021. (eBird)
  • Bear Lake (Grande Prairie area); 4 September 2021; written report and 6 images (Amanda and Colin Tennant). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Douglasbank Park, Calgary; 14-22 April 2023. (eBird)

Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) [3]

  • One of the Chain Lakes northwest of Hanna; 18 June 1969 (C. J. Whitelaw). First documented occurrence in the province. (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Frank Lake; 9 October 1975; photograph (Rudi Butot). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Slough E of Coal Lake; 10 July 2021; written report and 4 images (Bernadette Cooper). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) [2]

  • Shepard Sloughs near Calgary; 6 August 1986; written description (R.W.Storms). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 4; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Frank Lake; 19-20 September 1995; two descriptions, one with sketch (Ray Wershler, Andrew Slater). (Code 2; Second Report of the ABRC)

Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) [2]

  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 9-10 May 2013; written report and images posted in Eduardo folder on Yahoo! Albertabird website, also at (Eduardo Matoud), images posted at (David Pugh) and 1 submitted (Brian Elder). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Along Range Road 265 between Township Roads 314 and 320, S of Torrington; 18-19 September 2020; written report with 1 image (Rick Urbat and Maureen Hills-Urbat). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Little Stint (Calidris minuta) [2]

  • Jessie Lake, Bonnyville, 23 September 2000; video tape and written description (Richard Klauke). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Cooking Lake; 27 September 2015; written report with 4 images (Gerald Romanchuk). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)

Pomarine Jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus) [2]

  • Accidentally shot near High River; 9 November 1996; skin at the Provincial Museum. First documented occurrence in the province. (Descriptions of possibly the same bird at Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary 8-10 October 1996 have been submitted). (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary; 23-24 September 2015; brief description posted on Yahoo! Albertabird discussion group (Andrew Slater), photos (Brian Elder [1], Ray Wershler [2] and Dennis Burns [1]). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)

Long-billed Murrelet (Brachyramphus perdix) [2]

  • Found dead in early stage of decomposition at Saskatoon Lake; 2-3 July 1994 (Gavin Craig); five slides of the bird and skeleton at the Provincial Museum; see Blue Jay 53:229 (1995), 54:39 (1996). First documented occurrence in the province; the bird was of the Asiatic subspecies. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Picked up along Hwy 16 between Hinton and Jasper Natl Park E gate; 7 August 2005; one digital image (Jim Mamalis). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)

Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) [1]

  • Found dead near Hines Creek; 21 November 1988; one print (Ken Lumbis) and skin at the Provincial Museum. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)

Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus) [6+2]

  • One adult male at Edmonton; 25 October 1975; now in PMA collection. First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary; 17-20 October 1982; article with photograph in the Alberta Naturalist 13(2) 49-50 (Allen Wisely), several descriptions, some with sketches (Victor Maltby, John Steeves, Stuart Johnson, Doug Collister, Andrew Slater). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaverhill Lake; 2 October 1983; article in Alberta Naturalist 14(3) 98 (Dick Dekker). (Code 3; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cold Lake Provincial Park; 18 September 1988; several photographs and description (Richard Klauke). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Found dead in Edson; 29 September 1994; skin at the Provincial Museum. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Lake Minnewanka, Banff National Park; most of August 2007; written report (Jason Rogers and Mike McIvor) and 4 digital images (Michael Shuster), 2 images posted on Albertabird Yahoo! photos (Alan Fishkin). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary; 1-2 November 2022. (eBird)
  • Township Rd. 585 and RR 234, Westlock County; 1 August 2023. (eBird)

Little Gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus) [12+3]

  • Two at Namaka and Eagle Lakes; 22-29 September 1985; five descriptions, some with sketches (Louis Guillemette, Jamey Podlubney, Andrew Slater, John Steeves, William Wilson). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 2; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaverhill Lake; 14 October 1986. (eBird)
  • One at Namaka Lake; 23 October 1988; description with sketch (Ian Halladay). (Code 3; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • One at Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary; 24-25 October 1991; two descriptions with sketches (Ross Dickson, Terry Korolyk). (Code 2; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Hastings Lake; 13-14 September 1998; description (Brian Ritchie). (Code 3; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Irricana; 4-10 May 2002; three photographs (Bill Walker), two descriptions (Andrew Slater, Brian Ritchie). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Cold Lake; 30-31 August 2002; five images captured from video and brief description (Richard Klauke). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • NW end of Frank Lake; 22 May 2004; written description (Greg Wagner). (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Tyrrell Lake; 9 October 2005; written description with 5 images, copy of field notes, with sketch (Teresa & Doug Dolman). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Juvenile at Langdon (Dalemead) Reservoir; 24 September 2013; written report and 2 images; images also posted on eBird (S48599937 Ray Wershler). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Chestermere Lake; 18-20 October 2014; brief description (Mark Conboy), 2 images, also posted on eBird (S20276793 Ken Burton). Brief description on eBird (S20292666 Terry Poulton). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Juvenile at Chestermere Lake, E of Calgary; 26 September 2016; 3 images on eBird (S31777309 Terry Korolyk). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Coal Lake; 1 October 2016. (eBird)
  • Hastings Lake; 18-22 May 2020; 1 image posted on Albertabird (Andrew Ross; S69298174 on eBird). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Little Fish Lake Provincial Park; 12 October 2024. (eBird)

Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) [10+5]

  • Calgary; 13 November 1976; specimen. First documented occurrence in the province. (Blue Jay, 35(2), p. 89, 1976)
  • Adult at Beaverhill Lake; 17 July 1977 (G.R.A. Ebel). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Immature at Sundance Cooling Pond south of Wabamun Lake; 23 December 1979; found dead. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Adult female at Honeymoon Lake, Jasper National Park; 12 OCtober 1983; specimen. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Mildred Lake, Jasper National Park; 19 July 1984; written description and photograph in Connelly (1986). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Shepard; 11 August 1999; specimen in the Provincial Museum: Z00.3.1 (A. Cole). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Elk Island National Park; 22-23 October 1999; two photographs (Bob Carroll, Robert Hoscheit), two descriptions (Bob Carroll, Richard Thomas). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Sauder's Reservoir; 16 November 2012. (eBird)
  • Keho Lake, Lethbridge; 18-19 October 2017; written report and 7 images, also posted on eBird (S40014852 Ken Orich); 1 image (Michael Sveen). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Chin Lake; 5 December 2020; written report and 4 images (David and Emma Scott). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Landfill (Peigan Trail Gull Ponds) in E Calgary; 10-16 April 2021; 6 images (Evan Walters; S85311792 on eBird); 3 images posted on Albertabird (Joan and Malcolm McDonald). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Frank Lake; 26 May 2022. (eBird)
  • Keho Lake; 10 October 2023. (eBird)
  • Fish Creek Provincial Park Boat Launch; 28 October 2023. (eBird)
  • 68th Street E wetlands, Calgary; 9-24 September 2024. (eBird)

Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) [4+1]

  • Near Brazeau Forestry Tower, NW of Rocky Mountain House; 22 April 1961; brief description, also Dekker (2005). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Fort McMurray dump; December 1986; digitised photograph (Neil Lennie). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Innisfail; 3 January 1999; description (David L. Williams). (Code 4; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Ranch along Montagneuse River, W of Hines Creek; 17 January 2008; multiple [22] digital images (Curt & Patty Hale). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory; 21 May 2009. (eBird)

Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) [1]

  • Along Hwy 885 where it crosses NW arm of Pakowki Lake; 20-31 July 2012; 2 images (Jukka Jantunen), 1 on Albertabird Yahoo! website. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)

Western Gull (Larus occidentalis) [1]

  • Bear Lake, near Grande Prairie; 5 May 2020; 6 images (Sylvain Bourdages and Joan Kerr), also posted on personal Facebook and recorded on eBird (S68474538). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) [4+1]

  • Cold Lake; 26-27 October 1986; photograph and description (Richard Klauke). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Grande Prairie sewage lagoon; 28 March 2005; 5 digital images (Jeanne Smith) and 26 slides (Joan Kerr). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • "Gull pond" along 170 Street, Edmonton; 7-18 November 2008; written report (Gerald Romanchuk); several images (Gerald Romanchuk [2 provided; 3 more on PBase], Brian Elder [1]). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Cold Lake; 14 January 2012; brief report and 4 images (Richard Klauke). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • 68th Street E wetlands, Calgary; 16-17 April 2024. (eBird)

Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens) [15+many]

  • Immature near Calgary; before 1936; specimen. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Immature at Bear Lake, northwest of Grande Prairie; mid-September 1958; specimen. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Several at Bear Lake, northwest of Grande Prairie; summer and fall 1959; specimen secured 11 August. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Therien Lake; 2 June 1960; wounded banded gull captured and later released. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Valleyview; 28 September 1966 (Stirling). (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • One adult at Calgary; 3-4 May 1972 (Hattie Boothman, Virginia Lang, Rob Owens, D. V. Weseloh, P. Whitney). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • One immature at Legal; 2 October 1976 (Wayne W. Smith). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • One second-year bird at Calgary; 5 April 1980 (Dave Elphinstone). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 9 May 1984; written reports (John B. Steeves, Doug Collister). (Code 2; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Carburn Park; 3-5 November 1984; written reports (R.W. Storms, John B. Steeves). (Code 2; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 17-22 April 1985; written reports (Andrew Slater, Doug Collister). (Code 2; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Clover Bar landfill, Edmonton; 9 November 1998; 3 slides (Randal Hoscheit). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary; 6-9 May 2000; written report (M. Ross Lein and Valerie A. Haines). (Code 3; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cold Lake landfill; 27 May 2002; digital image posted on Albertabird Yahoo! website (Ted Hindmarch). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inland Cement ponds along 170 Street, Edmonton; 1-2 May 2006; 2 digital images (Terry Thormin). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • There are more than two dozen accepted records of Glaucous-winged Gull in eBird that the ABRC has not adjudicated. The majority of these were at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. This species will fall off of the ABRC's review list with one more accepted record.

Slaty-backed Gull (Larus schistisagus) [6]

  • Calgary; 30 September - 4 October 2000; two descriptions (Bob Storms and Francois Grenon, Brian Ritchie) and several photographs (Francois Grenon). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; from 13 April 2004, for about a week; 2 written descriptions (Robert W. Storms, Andrew Slater), photograph (Bill Walker). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 28-30 March 2006; written report with sketches (Ray Wershler), written reports (Eric Tull, Mike Mulligan), brief descriptions posted on Albertabirds (Bill Wilson, John Bregar). (Code 2; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 12-19 November 2006; two digital images (Bill Walker), five images posted on Albertabird Yahoo! photos (Rob Worona [4], Brian Elder [1]). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary; 7, 12 to 14 May 2014; brief description (Greg Wagner), 21 images, including on Flickr (Daniel Arndt). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Ryley Landfill near Tofield; 29 April 2018; brief description and 2 images (Gerald Romanchuk). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) [2]

  • Policeman's Flats, S of Calgary; 4 July 2006; two written descriptions (Nimali Seneviratne, John Thompson) and 3 digital images (Ann Elliott). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • 68th Street E wetlands, Calgary; 20 July 2021; written report with 3 images (James Mott); written report and 2 images (Ethan Denton, Gavin McKinnon, Liz Soria). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) [2]

  • Near Nanton; 28 May - 1 June 1999; video film (Colleen Kindt), descriptions with sketches (Colleen Kindt, Jason Attwell). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 5-15 October 2021; written report and 2 images (David Scott). Many images posted on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) [4+1]

  • Near Brooks on Hwy 36 in May 1991 (Joan and Malcolm McDonald); one slide (Peter Sherrington) and one written description (Ross Dickson). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Fort McMurray; 29 June 1995 (Gord Kennedy); one print (Fred Korbut). (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Kininvie Marsh, E of Tilley; 22-24 May 2004; 4 images captured from video (Richard Klauke). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Medicine Lake, N of Rocky Mountain House; 2 Oct 2015; several images on Albertabird and a video (Don Auten). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Frank Lake; 24 May 2018. (eBird)

Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) [1]

  • Near Bashaw; 22 May 1981; reported in American Birds 35: 834-837 (1981) (Bernard Gollop) with black and white photograph (Rudi Butot). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)

Green Heron (Butorides virescens) [13+2]

  • Vista Lake, Banff National Park; 5 June 1975; written description (M. Scott O'Keeffe). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Pearce Estate Park, Calgary; 5-9 September 1989; photograph (Bob Storms). (American Birds, 44(1), p. 109, 1990)
  • Weaselhead Natural Area, Calgary; 4 July 1990; three written descriptions, two brief (Andrew Slater, Ross Dickson, Michael Breiteneider). (Code 2; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Pearce Estate Park, Calgary; 16 September - 7 October 1990; two descriptions with small sketch (Ross Dickson, Doug Collister). (Code 2; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 30 May 1992; one description with sketch (Ross Dickson). (Code 3; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 17 May 1993; one description (Ross Dickson). (Code 3; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Fish Creek Provincial Park; 5 June 1996. (eBird)
  • Elizabeth Hall Wetlands, Lethbridge; 4-7 June 2000; photograph and description (Douglas and Teresa Dolman). This species previously had only a code 2 record. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Frank Lake; 26 May 2001; description (Dave Gibson, Ian Halladay and Don Magnusson). (Code 3; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Fish Creek Provincial Park, Calgary; 5-9 August 2002; photograph (Bill Walker) and description (Brian and Nancy Ritchie). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 19 September - 6 October 2004; written description (Brian Ritchie), written descriptions with 5 photographs (Royce Howland), web page with 16 images (Royce Howland), 3 photographs (Steve Oliphant). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Vermilion Lakes, Banff, Banff National Park; 21 March 2006; written report (Ross Doughty). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • "Canadian Wilds" section of Calgary Zoo, Calgary; 19-29 August 2006; written report (Dwight Knapik). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Bull Trail Park, Lethbridge; 22 June 2018; written report and 1 image (Darcy Steele). (Code 1: Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Fish Creek Provincial Park; 10 August - 18 September 2022. (eBird)

Western Cattle-Egret (Bubulcus ibis) [15+6]

  • Between Turin and Iron Springs; 12 November 1964 (Robert Webb); it subsequently died and was preserved. First documented occurrence in the province. (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Keho Lake; 22 September 1967 (Ian A. R. Halladay). (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • High River; 18 June 1980 (fide Rudi Butot). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Whitecourt; 5 November 1981; specimen. (Royal Alberta Museum specimen PMA Z83.2.1)
  • Lost Lake near Vauxhall; 18 August 1992 (Mike Harrison); one print (Lloyd Bennett) and one written description (Ross Dickson). (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Found dead at Twin Lake; 25 October 1994 (Norman Ecker); skin at the Provincial Museum. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Jessie Lake, Bonnyville; 30 October 1994; 2 images in Boston (1994), where species misidentified as Snowy Egret. (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Feed terminal parking lot at junction of Hwy 13 and Hwy 21 in Camrose; from 14 August until at least 30 August 1997; photographs (Betty Fisher [1], courtesy of WildBird General Store; Randal Hoscheit [3 slides]). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Fincastle Lake, near Taber; 31 August 2000; brief description posted on "Albertabird" (Lloyd Bennett). (Code 3; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Jasper National Park; November 2001; specimen in the Provincial Museum: Z02.6.2 (Greg Slater). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Wabasca; 14 November 2001; specimen in the Provincial Museum: Z02.6.1 (Jim Hamilton). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Stirling Lake; 13 July 2002. (eBird)
  • Indus area, W of Carseland, SE of Calgary; 22 September - 1 October 2003; written descriptions (Mike Mulligan, Bill Wilson, Andrew Slater), the latter with sketch. (Code 2; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Slough in Quarter Section NW, Section 1, Township 43, Range 25, W4 Meridian; 16 October 2009; 4 images (D. Murray Mackay). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Along Hwy 4, 3.4 km S of junction with SR 845, S of Lethbridge; 27 June 2011; 8 images (Ken Orich). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Crowsnest Pass; 16 July 2011. (eBird)
  • Fort Chipewyan; 22 October 2015. (eBird)
  • Trilogy Gas Plant, Fox Creek; 7 November 2016. (eBird)
  • Whitford Lake; 2-5 September 2020 for about a week; written report (Andrew Ross) and 2 images (Brian Genereux). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Mill Woods, Edmonton; 23 October 2023. (eBird)
  • Kitsim Reservoir; 25 October - 9 November 2024. (eBird)

Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) [2+2]

  • Whitford Lake; 6 August 2019. (eBird)
  • Sunrise Road Marsh, NW arm of Pakowki Lake; 8 May 2022; written report and 8 images (David Bell and Liam Singh). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Sloughs about Township Rd. 440, RR 201 E of Ferintosh; 20 May 2022; written report and 10 images (Wendy Blackwell and Ian Wallis). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Pakowki Lake; 3 May 2024. (eBird)

Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) [2]

  • SE of Lethbridge; 22-23 September 2011; written report (Lori, Noel, Tane, Peter, Nyree and Kingi Smith), several [10] images (Nyree and Lori Smith), also 3 rough sketches (Peter Smith). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • McLelland Lake Lodge, 90 km N of Fort McMurray; 22 June 2021; written report and 1 image (Alex Dayman). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Barn Owl (Tyto alba) [12]

  • Cypress Hills; 22 July 1967; article in Blue Jay 25(4) 187 (Wayne Smith). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Ponoka County; 23 December 1999; specimen (Greta Millenaar). (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Bashaw; mid-December 1999 - early January 2000; article in Blue Jay 59(3): 122-3 (2001) (Lisa Takats and Gordon Court) with photograph (Jim Whitehouse). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Langdon; 17 January 2000; specimen (Annette Born). (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • 5 km E, 1 km S of Picture Butte (SW1/4-31-10-20W4); 3 June 2003; written description (Dr. Gail R. Michener and Janeal Mick). (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Found dead south of Coaldale; 2 November 2006; specimen brought to Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale and donated to The Royal Alberta Museum (accession number Z06.1.14). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Found dead on farm W of High River; 8 November 2006; specimen donated to The Royal Alberta Museum by Don and Joyce Moore (accession Z08.8.4). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Farm SE of Breton; may have been at location from summer, but first confirmed on 26 November 2011; last seen 26 December 2011; 2 images (Sue and Brad Stout [1], Myrna Pearman [1]). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • At a farm near Cardston (between Kimball and Del Bonita); from early September, found dead on 11 December 2013; written report with 4 images (Bob Pruner); museum specimen (PMA Z18.1.9). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Caught on barbwire fence near Edberg, subsequently perished; 8 October 2013; museum specimen (PMA Z17.1.7). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Found dead at 30-50110 Rge Rd 231, Leduc County; 9 November 2016; museum specimen (PMA Z18.1.2). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Found dead in alley in Copperfield, SE Calgary; 18 December 2021; written report and 9 images (Darlene O’Neill). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Records of Barn Owl are concealed in eBird, as they are listed as a sensitive species. Consequently, eBird records of Barn Owl are not listed here.

Flammulated Owl (Psiloscops flammeolus) [2]

  • Found dead in Edmonton (Al Gartke); late fall 2000; specimen at the Provincial Museum: Z01.7.1. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • One found dead near Nose Hill, Calgary; 19 October 2016; 3 images of specimen, first buried then dug out (Karl Hentze); specimen donated to Royal Alberta Museum, to be prepared as a skeleton. (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)

Western Screech-Owl (Megascops kennicottii) [5+1]

  • One adult female (dark plumaged gray phase) at Hinton; fall 1983 (Mike Hampson); specimen is in Hampson's possession. First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Waterton town site, Waterton Lakes National Park; 18 June 2015; written report and recording on Xeno-Canto [] (Ian Cruickshank]; sectrographic analysis of tempo of call (Ross Lein). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • On acreage in Foothills Co, south-west of Calgary; seen intermittently between med-September and early November 2016, and on 19 February 2017; written report with 2 images (Diane & Bob Ramsay). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • N Lethbridge; from 3 March 2021; written report and several audio recordings (Steve Schwartze and Carmen Avramovic). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Adult with 2 young in Waterton Lakes National Park; from 27 June 2021; written report with 1 image (Frank and Kaitlyn Crockett and Kirstin Kveder) and images (Asher Warkentin [2], Michelle Schreder [1]). This record was accepted due to the description of the vocalizations. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Highway 6, north of Waterton Lakes National Park; 7 June 2022. (eBird)
  • Due to small numbers of screech-owls being resident in Alberta year-round, it is challenging to separate records even across years.

Eastern Screech-Owl (Megascops asio) [5+2]

  • One female (red phase) at Pigeon Lake; 3 December 1930 (B. W. Cartwright); PMA specimen #Z79.113.48. First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • One adult female (gray phase) at Edmonton; 20 March 1985; PMA specimen #Z85.20.1. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Police Point Park, Medicine Hat; 12 March - 23 April 1993. (eBird)
  • Police Point Park, Medicine Hat; 14 March 1997. (eBird)
  • Strathcona Island Park and Police Point Park, Medicine Hat; from 9 April to at least 27 December 2007, 14 April 2008, then again in September 2008; written reports with images (Milt Spitzer [3], Joan & Malcolm McDonald [2]), several images (Gord Court [1], Ken Havard [1], Richard Klauke), description of song (Phil Horch). Probably of the same bird; only the description of the song identifies the species. (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lethbridge; 23 May 2019; audio recording (David Scott). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Medicine Hat; from 17 January 2021; written report (Eric Vokes), 3 images (Eric Vokes [1], James Fox [2]). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Due to small numbers of screech-owls being resident in Alberta year-round, it is challenging to separate records even across years.

Williamson's Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus) [1+1]

  • Northeast Calgary; 23 June 1992; specimen (Beverly Lane). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Bragg Creek Trails; 13-22 May 2023. (eBird)

Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) [9+1]

  • Henderson Lake, Lethbridge; 22-24 April 1974; photograph (Herb Sivyer, Mary Haig, Michael O'Shea, Helen Schuler). First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1991)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 8 May 1996. (eBird)
  • Porcupine Hills; 7 June 1997; description (R.W.Storms). (Code 3; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Bottrell; 15 April 2000; one photograph and report (Olga Droppo). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Alliance; May 2000; two photographs and colour sketches (Norm Johnston), courtesy of Wildbird General Store, Edmonton. (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Banff town site; 2-4 November 2003; written description (Brian Ritchie). 2 photographs (Malcolm McDonald). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Harvest Hills, N Calgary; 11 April 2005; brief written description (Claire Mohr and John McCallum). (Code 3; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Pyramid Corrals, Jasper, Jasper National Park; from 14 May 2007 to about 15 June 2007; two written reports and several images (Anne Williams [4], Karen Metz [1]), brief description (Jason Rogers). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Banff, Banff National Park; 24 April 2008; 3 images (Jim Davies). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Pincher Creek; 11 November 2020; written report (Carol and Cornell Van Ryk) and image (Cornell Van Ryk). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) [1]

  • Near Sundre; about 1-9 July 2006; 14 digital images (Gerrit Wyna). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)

Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) [6+1]

  • Ponoka; from 1 October 2007 to about 15 April 2008; several photographs (Judy Boyd [2], Murray Mackay [6]). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • High River. First seen in October 2011, seen until at least 18 March 2012; several images: Kirk Davis [1], Mike Sturk [2], David Pugh [3 images on blog at], also on Albertabird Yahoo! website (Bev Maksymiw [1], Ken Havard [2], Ron Kube [1]; Daniel Arndt [1]). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Feeder in Etzikom; spent the winter there and was seen until at least 28 March 2013; written report with 2 images (Milt Spitzer, Phil Cram and Mike Mulligan). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • SE of Bragg Creek from late July to mid-September 2015; written report with 2 images (James and Gerry Fox); 2 images (Ray Wershler). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
    • Near Priddis from mid-October 2015 to at least late February 2016, possibly the same bird as previous. Images on eBird (S27167198 Anne Belton; S27028022 & S27028672 Lorrie Anderson), along with various reports. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • At a feeder in Ardrossan east of Sherwood Park; from mid-October 2017 to at least early April 2018; images on Flickr (Don Delaney, Ludo Bogaert, Keith Huang), also images on eBird (S44230907 Edward McKen; S43699603 Chris Rees). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • At a feeder in Magrath from about 23 February 2019 to 27 April 2019; 1 image posted on Albertabird (Gavin McKinnon). Also images posted on eBird (S53032445 Mira Vanhala; S53204795 Teresa Dolman; S53191997 Ken Orich; S53304554 Asher Warkentin; S53223453 Gavin McKinnon). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Drumheller; 5 October - 7 January 2024. (eBird)

Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus) [4]

  • Near turnoff to Snaring River Campground, Jasper National Park; 15-20 July 2015; written report with several images (Dale Wilde and Elaine Roberts); single images (Ann Carter, Malcolm & Joan McDonald) posted on Yahoo! Albertabird website. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Fort McMurray; 29 July 2017; 3 images on eBird (S38460357 Gigi Soucy). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Fox Lake, E of Fort Vermilion; 11 May 2020; 1 image provided by Kevin Kuipers from unknown photographer. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • NW36:61:10:W4 near St. Lina in Peace Country; 21 June 2021; written report and 1 image (Rheal Ouellette). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens) [1+1]

  • Near Cremona; 6-30 June 2015; 1 image and recording (Malcolm McDonald); written reports with spectrograms of additional song recordings (Ross Lein & Val Haines). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • Grey Nuns Spruce Woodlot, St. Albert; 26 May 2023. (eBird)

Gray Flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii) [2]

  • Bowmont Flats, Calgary; 1-20 July 1999; twelve photographs (Greg Ohm), sonograms with description (Ross Lein), four descriptions, some with sketches (Greg Ohm, Andrew Slater, Lynn Vogt, Ray Wershler). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • "Hay Meadow", Mount Lorette; 6-7 July (possibly as late as 19 July) 2005; written descriptions (Peter Sherrington, William J.F. Wilson), 8 digital images (Cliff Hansen). (Code 3; Seventh Report of the ABRC)

Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens) [1]

  • Big Lake, St. Albert; from 9 October 2019 for at least a week; may have been present as early as 13 September 2019; 3 images (Rose McAllister), several images posted on eBird, also reported in St. Albert Gazette at First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus) [13+1]

  • Claresholm; 20 August 1943. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Fort Chipewyan; 17 June 1952. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Bow Island; 22 June 1964 (Spencer G. Sealy). (Sadler & Myres, 1976)
  • Spray Lake; early June 1980 (Aileen Reynolds). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • Near Madden; 18-19 August 1986; several slides (Peter Sherrington) and field notes. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Fairview; 26 May 1998; brief description (Ken Dies). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Water Valley; 10-11 June 2000; written report (Doug Collister) with 9 images (Peter Sherrington). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 26 August 2000; brief description on eBird Checklist S15505052 (Yousif Attia). (Code 3; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Kinbrook Island Provincial Park; 30 May 2004; written report (Yousif Attia). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Edmonton; 18 May 2006; written description posted on Albertabird (Thomas J. Simonsen). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Access road to Dinosaur Provincial Park; 20-21 May 2007; written report and 2 images (Milton Spitzer); video on web [] (Brooke Clibbon). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Pakowki Lake, along SR 885 south of Etzikom; 8-9 June 2007; written report with 3 images (Joan and Malcolm McDonald). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Upper Kananaskis Lake; 19 June 2014. (eBird)
  • NW13 16 28 W4; 20 June 2020; written report and 1 image (George Smith; S71002451 on eBird). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana) [1]

  • Drumheller; 1 June 1988; written description (Jim Wedgwood) and articles in Alberta Bird Record 6(4): 118-119 (1988) and Blue Jay 47(2): 113-117 (1989). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)

White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus) [2]

  • Wyndham-Carseland Provincial Park; 21 May 2012; 2 images posted on Albertabird Yahoo! website (Nick Bartok). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaverlodge; 17-19 July 2015; written report with brief description (Jeanne Smith, Joan Kerr) video recording on cell phone with vocalizations (Jeanne Smith) and spectrographic analysis of song on video (Ross Lein). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)

Yellow-throated Vireo (Vireo flavifrons) [3+1]

  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 2 August 2003; short note with measurements of banded bird (Doug Collister), 4 photographs (El Peterson, Steve Lane, Gwen Smiley). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 24 August 2003; written description with sketch (John Riddell). Probably the former individual. (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Migration monitoring station on Elkwater Lake, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park; 28 September 2014; photo of bird in hand (Colton Prins and Kim Wetten). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • Connaught Pond, Medicine Hat; 6-11 August 2023. (eBird)

Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) [1+1]

  • Mountain View; 11-12 October 2007; written report and 4 digital images (Nancy West). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Johnson Lake, Brooks; 6-10 November 2024. (eBird)

Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Poecile rufescens) [14+many]

  • Three in Waterton; 23-30 December 1979; photograph (Ann Bull, Tony Bull, Simon Lunn, Michael O'Shea). First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • Three in Waterton; 30 January - April 7, 1980 (Ann Bull, Tony Bull, Simon Lunn, Michael O'Shea, Jason Attwell). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • Banff townsite; 31 October 1981; photographs (Reinhold Lang). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • Along Alderson Lake Trail, Waterton Lakes National Park; 8 October 1984; description (Robert W. Storms and K. M. Mleziva). (Code 3; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Bowness Park, Calgary; 22 April 1988, description with sketch (John W. Thompson). (Code 4; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park; 27 February 1999; two photographs (Randal Hoscheit). (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Jasper, Jasper National Park; from late November 2006 to at least 9 March 2007; 4 digital images (Doug Faulder), written report (Jim H. Davis). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Cameron Falls, Waterton Lakes National Park; 28 September 2008; written report (Ray Wershler). (Code 3; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Feeder in Hinton; December 2012 to at least 3 January 2013; written report and 2 images (Natalie and Don Groat). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Feeder in Waterton, Waterton Lakes National Park; from 31 December 2012 to at least 14 March 2013; written report with several (4) images (Malcolm and Joan McDonald). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Feeder on acreage about 10 km W of hamlet of Priddis; 1 April 2013; written report and 1 image (Pat Diehl). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park; 5 September 2013. (eBird)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park; 5 October 2014. (eBird)
  • Cochrane; 27 December 2014. (eBird)
  • Family in Waterton Lakes National Park; 22 July 2015; video posted on eBird Checklist S24373213 (Ian Cruickshank). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • SW of Millarville; 28 January 2016. (eBird)
  • The Castle; 6 April 2016. (eBird)
  • 10 km E of Grande Cache; from 5 January to at least 12 February 2018; written report and 3 images (Vincent Cottrell). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • S of Water Valley; 4 March 2018; written report (Gerald Romanchuk); also images on eBird checklist S43607700 (Colleen Raymond [2], Gerald Romanchuk [2]). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Beauvais Lake Provincial Park; 9 October 2023 - 9 January 2024. (eBird)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park; 13-31 October 2023. (eBird)
  • Castle Mountain Resort; 29 January - 10 March 2024. (eBird)
  • There have been several more reports of this species in recent months. As it will be falling off of the review list, I have ceased adding records to this list.

Pygmy Nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea) [1+2]

  • Mountain View; 2 to about 10 October 2008; written report (Nancy West) and several images (Nancy West [4], Ken Havard [1]; Malcolm McDonald [1]). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park; 23 June 2023. (eBird)
  • Rainy Ridge Lake; 19 July 2023. (eBird)

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea) [5]

  • Whitemud Creek, Edmonton; 12 October 1964; written description and sketch (Philip S. Taylor). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 23 October - 3 November 1987 (Terry Korolyk); one slide (Peter Sherrington) and three written descriptions (Doug Collister, Ross Dickson, Peter Sherrington). (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 9-24 November 1988. (PICA, 9(1), p. 27, 1989)
  • Elkwater, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park; from 9 August to at least 14 September 2011; written report with 4 images (Jeremiah Kennedy, Yousif Attia). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Cooking Lake, SE of Edmonton; 5 October 2018; written report (Vincent Cottrell). (Code 3; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) [1]

  • Lethbridge; 21-22 August 1997; tape recording and description (Teresa Dolman). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Second Report of the ABRC)

Curve-billed Thrasher (Toxostoma curvirostre) [1]

  • Barrhead; August 1998 - April 1999 (when taken to a rehab centre and subsequently to the Calgary Zoo); seven photographs (Betty Fisher, Sheila Hardy, Jerry Orlacher), articles in Edmonton Naturalist 27(1):20-21 (1999) and 27(2):13 (Randal Hoscheit). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)

Bendire's Thrasher (Toxostoma bendirei) [1]

  • Buffalo Prairie, Jasper National Park; 28-30 May 1988; two transparencies and article in "The Canadian Field Naturalist" 106:404 (1992) (Alexander Mills), one description (Roy Richards). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)

Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) [8+1]

  • Lethbridge; 1-9 November 1980; photograph (Shirley Arner, Betty Haig). First documented occurrence in the province. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • Edmonton; 12 October 1997; three photographs, article in Alberta Naturalist 27(4):68, black and white photograph in Alberta Naturalist 28(1):1 (Ernie Kuyt). (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaverhill Lake; 19 May 1998; 2 slides (Edgar T. Jones); mentioned in Flockhart (2001). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Ralston; 16 May 2004; written description (Tim Cowley). (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lethbridge; 14 September 2006; written report with 3 images (Doug and Teresa Dolman). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Claresholm; 22-25 May 2007; written report (Jason Attwell). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Tillebrook Provincial Park; 17 May 2009; written report and 1 image (Gerald Romanchuk). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Banded at Beaverhill Bird Observatory; 4 June 2015; written report and image (Jonathan DeMoor), also posted on eBird (S25674686). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Weaselhead Natural Area, Calgary; 21 June 2016. (eBird)

Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) [2]

  • Nose Hill Park, Calgary; 22 November 1989; photograph and description (Ian Halladay). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Second Report of the ABRC)
  • Two along Range Road 172 W of Andrew; 16 September 2007; 2 images (Debbie Fontaine). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)

Siberian Accentor (Prunella montanella) [1]

  • Calgary; 20 March - 5 April 2002; two photographs (Walter Zwick). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) [1+1]

  • Fort McMurray; 18 November 2021; written report and 2 images (Carol Sparkes). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Fabyan; 22 April - 13 June 2024. (eBird)

Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis) [1]

  • Castle Provincial Recreation Area near Pincher Creek; 2 September 2018; 4 images (Peter Sherrington). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) [5+4]

  • Edson; November 1989 - January 1990 (Dorcas D. Kennedy and Sue Wilkinson); two prints (Richard Klauke) and two written descriptions (Dorcas D. Kennedy and Richard W. Quinlan, Ross Dickson). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Claresholm; 20-21 December 1993 (Jason Attwell); two prints (Peter Sherrington) and two written descriptions (Peter Sherrington, Ray Wershler). (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • E Drumheller; 4-5 May 2008; written report with several [5] photos (Lena and Dennis Braman, Jim McCabe). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaver Mines; 4-9 April 2013; written report and 4 images (Cornell Van Ryk). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • At a feeder in Medicine Hat; 13 December 2018; 2 images (Robert Wapple). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Banff; 17 January 2021. (eBird)
  • Lake Louise Village; 22-27 April 2023. (eBird)
  • Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat; 16 October 2023. (eBird)
  • Bottrel; 24-26 October 2023. (eBird)

Lesser Goldfinch (Spinus psaltria) [7+2]

  • Nacmine, W of Drumheller; 23-27 April 2014; written report and several images (Jim McCabe), written reports (Ray Wershler, John Riddell, Val Haines and Ross Lein) and 2 images (Ray Wershler). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • Castor; 15 August 2015; written report with 3 images (Grant Sikstrom); the pattern of yellow on the face of this individual and the wing pattern are odd, but may not be outside the range for this species especially in the case of immature males. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • In Cochrane; 15 May 2016; written report and 3 images, 2 posted on Yahoo! Albertabird website (Linda Vick). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaver Mines; 6 July 2017; 2 images (Gordon Petersen). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Mountain View; 14 May 2018; 1 image posted on Albertabird (Nancy West). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Mountain View; 6 May 2021; written report and 3 images (Nancy West). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • At feeder in Pincher Creek; from 20 February to at least 19 March 2022; written reports (Lisa Salonen, David Scott) and 7 images (Ethan Denton, Gavin McKinnon). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Bowness, Calgary; 14 April 2023. (eBird)
  • Ranch S of Beaver Mines; 5 June 2023. (eBird)

Cassin's Sparrow (Peucaea cassinii) [1]

  • Near Empress; 2 August 1986; tape recording (Cliff Wallis). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Second Report of the ABRC)

Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) [2+1]

  • Bryant Creek Crossing on Sibbald Creek Road, Kananaskis Country; 8 June to early July 2000; video film (Richard Klauke), six photographs (Doug Collister), three descriptions, some with sketches (William Wilson, Ross Dickson, Andrew Slater). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Juvenile at migration monitoring station in Elkwater, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park; 30 August 2012; 3 images (Leena Tirrul). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaverhill Natural Area; 11 June 2023. (eBird)

Black-throated Sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata) [6]

  • Jasper, Jasper National Park; 30-31 August 1993; photograph (Gloria Martin), courtesy of Wildbird General Store. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Olds (RR 3, site 7); 28 May - 1 June 1994 (Thelma Lissel); one print and accompanying text; see Blue Jay 53:94 (1995). (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Picture Butte; 1 May 2006; 2 digital images (Marianne Klok). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • NW Calgary; 28-29 May 2006; two images (Terry Korolyk). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • W Lethbridge; 26 May - 1 June 2007; written report, copy of field notes and 4 images (Teresa and Doug Dolman). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Beaver Mines; mid-August 2018; 1 image (Peter Sherrington). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Sagebrush Sparrow (Artemisiospiza nevadensis) [2]

  • Suffield National Wildlife Area, N of Medicine Hat; 27 May 2017; written report and 2 images (Connor Charchuk). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Benchlands; 11-13 June 2021; written report (Bob & Cindy Kam, George Halmazna) and 6 images (George Halmazna). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Green-tailed Towhee (Pipilo chlorurus) [8]

  • Lethbridge; 17 June 1993; two descriptions (Randy A. Nystrom, Ross Munro). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 2; Fifth Report of the ABRC)
  • Bowmont Park, Calgary; 30 May 1996 (Peter Sherrington); several detailed descriptions, some with drawings. (Code 2; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Tilly "O" Reservoir east of Brooks; 19 May 2000; photograph (Lynn Vogt), three descriptions with sketches (Lynn Vogt, John Riddell, Ray Wershler). This species previously had only a Code 3 record. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Warner Stables, Banff National Park; 21 May 2007; brief description (Reno Sommerhalder). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Jasper, Jasper National Park; from 3 December 2009 to at least early March 2010; detailed description (Gord Ruddy, transcribed by Jason Rogers), written report with 2 pictures (Anne L. Williams), 2 images (Richard Klauke). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Elkwater Lake in Cypress Hills; 9 September 2015; written report with distant images (Dan and Mary Stoker). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Fort McMurray; from 13 December 2019 until 21 January 2020; 1 image (Carol Sparkes; also S62360750 S64884628 S63128040 on eBird). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Cremona; 18-24 May 2020; written report and 3 images (Stephen Dyke). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) [6]

  • Jackfish Lake; 4 December 1994; photograph (Reg Kirkham). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Writing-on-Stone Prov. Park; 9 June 1998; brief written description (Liis Veelma). (Code 3; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Red Deer; first half of January 2009; several images (G. Murray [3], Bill Heinsen [1], Richard Klauke [1]). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Medicine Hat; 18-20 May 2009; written report and 4 images (Robert Wapple). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • At feeder near Busby, N of Edmonton; photographed on 20 November 2010; 2 images (Gerald Romanchuk). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Female on private homestead N of Sherwood Park; 21 November – 2 December 2021; written report (Andrew Ross) and 3 images (Ethan Denton [2], Andrew Ross [1]). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) [1]

  • Near Rocky Mountain House; 7 May 1989; two photographs and audio tape and description (Richard Klauke). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)

Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius) [2+2]

  • S of Claresholm; 1 June 2021; written report and 7 images (Jeanne Burnham). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • First-year male at Popson Park, Lethbridge; 3-4 June 2022; written report, audio recording and image (Ken Orich) and images (David Scott [2], Michelle Schreder [1]). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Connaught Pond, Medicine Hat; 23 May 2024. (eBird)
  • Hwy. 887 SW of Manyberries; 12-30 June 2024. (eBird)

Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) [2]

  • Farm in Hill Spring, S Alberta; 21 May - 6 June 2015, although may have been there earlier and stayed longer; written report with 6 images (Todd Boland) and several images (Nick Parayko [1], Brian Elder [1], Daniel Arndt [3], Gerald Romanchuk [2]). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)
  • Elliston Park, Calgary; 11-16 May 2020; written reports (Renee Beaton; Mike Russum; also images at S68885773, S69032596 on eBird) and 2 images (Ray Wershler; S68941241 on eBird). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) [3]

  • Police Point Park, Medicine Hat; 28 September 1985; Article in Alberta Bird Record 4(1) 1-2 (Phil Horch). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Porcupine Hills; 10 June 1994; field notes and mention in Alberta Naturalist 26(3):48 (1996) (Ross Munro). (Code 3; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Griffiths Woods Park, Calgary; 26 July 2015; written report with several images (George Best). (Code 1; Twelfth Report of the ABRC)

Blue-winged Warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera) [3]

  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 18 August 1996; two descriptions, one with sketch (Steven Mlodinow, John Riddell). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 2; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Vegreville; 28 May 2000; description (Robert Hughes, Carl Grosfield). (Code 3; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 6-7 September 2016; written report (John Riddell) and 1 image (Peter Kufeldt). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Prothonotary Warbler (Prothonotaria citrea) [2]

  • Along Dogpound Creek just W of Horse Creek Rd, NW of Cochrane, S of Water Valley; 31 October and 1 November 2011; written description with 1 image (Keith and Sandy Logan). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Canmore; 15-19 September 2018; written report with 2 images, and 1 image on Albertabird (Neil Denton). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Lucy's Warbler (Leiothlypis luciae) [2]

  • Fort McMurray; 8-10 November 2008; 7 images (Cathy Mountain). First documented occurrence in the province and the country! (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Confederation Park, Calgary; 22-23 August 2012; 2 written reports (Colin Young and Linda Bailey; and Ray Wershler). (Code 2; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)

Kentucky Warbler (Geothlypis formosa) [2]

  • Weaselhead Natural Area, Calgary; 18-19 June 1988 (Terry Korolyk); one print (Peter Sherrington) and three written descriptions (Terry Korolyk, Doug Collister, Ross Dickson). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Weaselhead area of Glenmore Park, Calgary; 8 September 2007; written report (Richard Clarke). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)

Hooded Warbler (Setophaga citrina) [9]

  • Cypress Hills Provincial Park; 24 May 1991 (Sid Watts, Duncan BC); one print. First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Cave and Basin Historic Site, Banff National Park; Autumn 2000; several photographs and description (Andrew Chen and Heidi Mass), descriptions with sketch (John Riddell, Ray Wershler). (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Police Point Park, Medicine Hat; 5 October 2001; description (Dennis Baresco). (Code 3; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Edmonton; 4-25 November 2001; photograph (Roger Brown) and three descriptions (Roger Brown, Bryan Kulba, Terry Thormin). Specimen now in the Provincial Museum: Zo2.8.4. (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lynnbrook Road / Lynnbrook Close neighbourhood, Calgary; 3 October - 6 December 2004; written description (Pat Bumstead), written description with 4 photographs (Royce Howland), web page with 5 images (Royce Howland). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cave and Basin, Banff National Park; 10 June 2008; brief written description posted on bcintbird Yahoo! group (Chris Charlesworth). (Code 3; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Along Bow River about 3km E of Exshaw; 7 and 11 July 2010; written report with 2 images (Cliff Hansen). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary; 27 August 2010; written report (John Riddell and Ray Wershler). (Code 3; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lafarge Meadows, Calgary; 4, 10, 11, 14, 18, and 26 October 2015; written reports (George Best, Bob Lefebvre), several images (Daniel Arndt [3+], George Best [3], Shirley Otway [2], Ursula Krol [3], several posted on Albertabird). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)

Northern Parula (Setophaga americana) [10+10]

  • West of Turner Valley; 6 June 1958; specimen taken. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • One male at Calgary; 25 May - 15 June 1971 (Richard Palindat). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park; 23 May 1985; written description (Doug Collister). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 25 May 1985. (eBird)
  • Cooking Lake; 30 May 1985. (eBird)
  • Beaverhill Lake; 8 June 1985. (eBird)
  • Wyndham-Carseland Provincial Park; 21-27 October 2001. (eBird)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 15 August 1995; written report (Olga Droppo). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Park Lake Provincial Park; 25 August 1998; written report with field notes (Doug and Teresa Dolman). (Code 3; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Cominco Natural Area, SE Calgary; 8 September 2000; written report with 6 images (Ross Dickson). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Sandy Beach, NW of Edmonton; 28 October 2000; window kill donated to The Royal Alberta Museum by Marilyn Shinyei (accession Z00.27.1). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Feeder about 7 km E of Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park; 29 May 2011; written report (Arthur and Donna Wieckowski, Bob Parsons, Lois Gilchrist), 3 images (Arthur Wieckowski). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Fish Creek Provincial Park; 23-24 September 2018. (eBird)
  • Diamond Valley; 21 May 2019. (eBird)
  • Nicholas Sheran Park, Lethbridge; 29 May 2020; written report with 2 images and audio recording (Teresa Dolman; S69796829 on eBird). Other images on eBird. (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Fish Creek Provincial Park; 23-24 June 2020. (eBird)
  • Kinnaird Park, Edmonton; 21-31 October 2020; written report with 3 images (Vincent Cottrell). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Tillebrook Provincial Park; 11 June 2022. (eBird)
  • Cold Lake; 31 October 2022. (eBird)
  • Waterton Lakes National Park; 8 June 2023. (eBird)

Pine Warbler (Setophaga pinus) [8+1]

  • Male at Castor; 5 June 1924; specimen collected. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Several pairs near Athabasca; summer 1928; appeared to have established territories, but no direct evidence of nesting was found. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Calgary; 12 September 1986. (eBird)
  • N.W. Calgary; 29 September 1987; written description (R.W. Storms). (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Calgary (Riley Park); 20 December 1993 to 5 February 1994; several written descriptions (Andrew Slater, Mairi Babey, Harold Pinel, John B. Steeves, Joel Duncan). (Code 2; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • NE of Taber; 9 September 2003; written description (Lloyd Bennett). (Code 3; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • Sylvan Lake; 3, 6 November 2015; written report and 5 images (Myrna Pearman). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • At feeder in Strathcona County (W boundary of Elk Island National Park); from about 30 October to at least 12 December 2021; written reports (Michael Molenkamp, Andrew Ross) and images (Michael Molenkamp [2], Andrew Ross [4], Ethan Denton [1]). (Code 1: Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • At residence in NW Calgary; 16 November 2021; written report and 3 videos (Bob Clarke). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)

Yellow-throated Warbler (Dendroica dominica) [2+2]

  • At 63 Discovery Ridge Point in Calgary; 9-10 September 2006; digital images (Robert A. Heidemann [3], Ken Havard [2]) and written description (Bob Heidemann). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Medicine Hat; 7 November 2008; 4 images (Pat Harding). (Code 1; Ninth Report of the ABRC)
  • Breton; 28 October - 13 November 2023. (eBird)
  • Evergreen Estates, Calgary; 17-24 November 2024. (eBird)

Black-throated Gray Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens) [2+2]

  • Near Jenner; 18 May 2001; video tape and description (Richard Klauke). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Delacour and Conrich, Rocky View County; 11 May 2019; written report and 1 image (Lisa Carlson). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Milk River valley, County of 40 Mile; 4 June 2023. (eBird)
  • Grey Nuns Spruce Woodlot, St. Albert; 18-21 September 2023. (eBird)

Hermit Warbler (Setophaga occidentalis) [1]

  • By Tawayik Lake, Elk Island National Park; 15 May 2002; description (Martin Sharp and Peter Nienow). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 3; Fifth Report of the ABRC)

Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) [9+2]

  • Found dead at St. Paul; 4 July 1995 (H.J.Norris); skin at the Provincial Museum; see Alberta Naturalist 26:47 (1996). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; First Report of the ABRC)
  • Near Priddis; 8 June 2001; description (Colin Young and Linda Bailey). (Code 3; Fourth Report of the ABRC)
  • Lethbridge; 10 November 2004; PMA specimen Z04.09.1; window kill (Les Sarsfield). (Code 1; Sixth Report of the ABRC)
  • First spring male at Cypress Hills Provincial Park (by the Elkwater campground); 19 May 2009; written report and 3 images (Michelle and Curtis Manley). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • NE Calgary S of the airport; 11-12 June 2010; written report with 3 images (Dale Poloway). (Code 1; Tenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Elkwater, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park; 25 May 2011; written report (Jeremiah Kennedy and Callum Duncan); several [8] images at (Jeremiah Kennedy). (Code 1; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Adult male, Windy Point along Sheep River, W of Turner Valley; 13-14 June 2011; written report (Colin Young and Linda Bailey; Ray Wershler). (Code 2; Eleventh Report of the ABRC)
  • E of Drumheller; 21-22 May 2018; written report with 5 images (Richard and Carrie Mashon), also images on eBird (S45946950 Michael Sveen; S46012276 Michael Harrison; S46165488 & S45940991 Gerry and James Fox). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Acheson, west of Edmonton; 21 October 2020; written report with 2 images (Tannis Sharp). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Bruderheim Natural Area; 14-20 July 2023. (eBird)
  • Private residence near Thorsby; 1-4 November 2024. (eBird)

Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) [2+1]

  • At feeder in Beaver Mines; 12 May 2016; copy of field notes and 1 image (Peter Sherrington). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Peter Lougheed Provincial Park (Kananaskis Country); 7 October 2018; written report with one image, including enlargement (Rob Worona and Melinda Bell). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Police Outpost Provincial Park; 25-26 June 2022. (eBird)

Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) [2]

  • Bowden; 19-22 July 2000; six photographs and five digital images (Greg and Valerie Pyle). First documented occurrence in the province. (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • Bashaw; 4 May 2006; one digital image (Ron King); another image posted in Edmonton Journal on May 9, 2006 ("Painted Bunting pays visit to Bashaw" by Scott Hornby). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)

Dickcissel (Spiza americana) [9+1]

  • Near Walsh; 24 June 1940; specimen secured. First documented occurrence in the province. (Salt & Salt, 1976)
  • One male at Brooks; 20 April 1972. (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • One 40 km east of Brooks; early summer 1972 (Swen Bayer). (Pinel, Smith, & Wershler, 1993)
  • Drayton Valley; 28-29 May 2000; five photographs (Ian Wallis and Wendy Blackwell). (Code 1; Third Report of the ABRC)
  • W of Rocky Mountain House; from 28 May to at least 6 June 2004; written report and 5 photographs (Melvin & Carol Kraft). (Code 1; Eighth Report of the ABRC)
  • Exshaw; 4-8 June 2005; two written descriptions (Mike Mulligan, M. Ross Lein), digital images (W.H. Walker [2], Cliff Hansen [1], M. Ross Lein [5]). (Code 1; Seventh Report of the ABRC)
  • Bruderheim; 13 June 2017; 2 images (Amy Schramm). (Code 1; Thirteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Edmonton; 31 May 2019. (eBird)
  • Sorensen Lake, Hanna; 6 June 2021; written report and 3 images (Mike Russum). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)
  • Farm E of Pincher Creek; 20 June 2021; written report and 1 image (Asher Warkentin). (Code 1; Fourteenth Report of the ABRC)


Many sources referenced in the records above are not included in the following list; however, full citation information or hyperlinks to those sources can be found in the following, at least one of which is cited for each record (apart from some references to serial publications such as Blue Jay, American Birds, PICA, and The Canadian Field-Naturalist, where sufficient information is provided in the references above). The items below are listed chronologically.

Sadler, T. S., & Myres. M. T. (1976). Alberta birds, 1961-1970 (Occasional Paper No. 1). Edmonton, AB: Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Salt, W. R., & Salt, J. R. (1976). The birds of Alberta: With their ranges in Saskatchewan & Manitoba. Hurtig.
Godfrey, W. E. (1986). The birds of Canada (Rev. ed.). National Museums of Canada.
Pinel, H. W., Smith, W. W., & Wershler, C. R. (1991). Alberta birds, 1971-1980. Volume 1: Non-passerines (Occasional Paper No. 13). Edmonton, AB: Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Pinel, H. W., Smith, W. W., & Wershler, C. R. (1993). Alberta birds, 1971-1980. Volume 2: Passerines (Occasional Paper No. 20). Edmonton, AB: Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Slater, A. (1997). First report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Alberta Naturalist, 27, 40-41.
Slater, A. (1999). Second report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Alberta Naturalist, 29(2), 30-31.
Slater, A. (2001). Third report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Alberta Naturalist, 31(1), 4-6.
Slater, A., & Hudon, J. (2002). Fourth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Alberta Naturalist, 32(3), 116-117.
Slater, A., & Hudon, J. (2004). Fifth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 34(1), 15-18.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Knapton, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., & Wershler, R. (2006). Sixth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 36(2), 16-18.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Knapton, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., & Wershler, R. (2007). Seventh report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 37(2), 31-33.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Knapton, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., & Wershler, R. (2008). Eighth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 38(2), 28-31.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Knapton, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., & Wershler, R. (2009). Ninth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 39(2), 37-40.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Knapton, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., & Wershler, R. (2011). Tenth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 41(2&3), 37-40.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Knapton, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., & Wershler, R. (2014). Eleventh report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 43(4), 38-41.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., Romanchuk, G., & Wershler, R. (2017). Twelfth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee. Nature Alberta, 47(3), 38-40.
Hudon, J., Klauke, R., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Ritchie, B., Romanchuk, G., & Wershler, R. (2021). Thirteenth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee.
Hudon, J., Lambert, C., Lein, M. R., Riddell, J., Romanchuk, G., Ross, A., Scott, D. R., & Wershler, R. (2023). Fourteenth report of the Alberta Bird Record Committee.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology. (2023). eBird.