Last week the House of Commons Legislative Committee on Bill C-11 completed its review of the bill which commenced mid-February. The Committee heard witness statements from individuals and organizations, and considered amendments to various clauses. The 8 amendments added to the bill were all proposed by the government, and all 31 amendments proposed by the opposition were defeated.

The version of Bill C-11 reported back to the House of Commons on March 15 does not contain changes to the clauses containing these new exceptions to copyright infringement:

  • expansion of fair dealing to include education, as well as parody and satire
  • for educational or training purposes, reproduction of works that are available throught the Internet without restrictions
  • for maintenance of its permanent collection, reproduction of a work by a library, archive or musem in an alternative format if the original is in a format that is becoming obsolete or if the technology required to use the original is becoming obsolete.