Implementation Dates:
Sept. 2022: K-3 ELA, Math; K-6 PEW
Sept. 2023: 4-6 ELA, Math, K-3 Science, French
Programs of study outline what Alberta Teacher's are required to teach. Introductory materials frames the outcomes
Program Supports are updated regularly and help teachers interpret the Programs of Study
ELA Implementation guides and Illustrative Examples include sample learning activities and strategies by grade. A great place to start.
LearnAlberta: Quality digital resources accessible to all Alberta students, parents and schools. ULethbridge login provided in PSI
Authorized Resources: AB Education reviews and recommends 2-4 comprehensive programs per subject/grad
Authorized Resources Database is searchable, and includes Basic resources (Textbooks/programs), Support resources, and Teaching resources.
All basic programs by grade are listed in grade-level tabs at left. Schools typically purchase at least one program. Teachers can draw on multiple programs or can choose to evaluate and use other materials as needed.