Teaching Materials to support Alberta K-12 Science Curriculum. Find materials to support lessons, unit plans, long range plans, literature across the curriculum and professional growth.
Program Supports are updated regularly and help teachers interpret the Programs of Study.
Discovery Link Databases
Articles, audio, video clips, experiments.
Current Science Topics. Can search by AB Outcome.
Access also provided to Britannica ImageQuest, over 3,000,000 Royalty-free images.
(Gr. 4-9) Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, Space Science, Health and Human Body, as well as Tech, Math, and Engineering. Hands-on projects, videos, websites, science news, and articles.
Quality digital resources accessible to all Alberta students, parents and schools. ULethbridge login provided in PS 1.
New digital learning ecosystem from Nelson. A number of AB schools are subscribing. Aligns with Gr. 5-9 AB Programs of Study. View Currlab Moodle site for Uleth Ed. access info.
(Hannah Stonjeck) In what ways does frequent use of interactive and hands-on learning experiences engage learners and foster curiosity about the Nature of Science?
(Gr. 5-12) Multi-disciplinary source includes geography and science "Collections" features include many topics of interest. Use search icon to find specific topics.