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Copyright: Learn

Copyright Brown Bag Sessions

Questionable ("predatory") journals: What are they? How to identify them?
October 27, 2023
Whether you are looking forward to publishing your research, or are already a published author, this workshop will help you navigate the quality of scientific journals. Find out how to distinguish between "predatory" and trustworthy journals and how to filter peer review requests, article submission requests, and editorial requests.
Classroom teaching and copyright
June 4, 2019
Do you use images from the Internet in your lecture slides or Moodle postings? Do video, film, or music clips sometimes figure prominently in your classes? Unsure when copyright permission is needed in classroom settings such as these? This session covered how to assess whether permission is needed as well as where you can access copyright-cleared audio-visual content.
Copyright and conference presentations
April 10, 2019
If there’s a conference presentation in your near future, will it include images, video clips or other borrowed content? Or if you’re organizing an upcoming conference, are you looking for ways to help presenters and authors address copyright compliance issues properly? Bring your questions and learn how to assess various copyright issues that may arise as a conference presenter or host.
Options for meeting mandated OA
November 11, 2017
If you hold a Tri-Council or other research award requiring you to publish your findings in an open access (OA) venue, do you know what your options are?  They can be confusing, as some reputable publishers charge OA author publication fees, while others embargo open access to your accepted manuscript for a period after publication.  This session looked at tools and approaches to help you identify credible options to meet mandated OA.
Copyright & your courses: Copies, links,clips?
September 14, 2017
Are you uncertain about what materials you can distribute in courses or workshops or post to Moodle without contravening copyright? Do you have examples of copyrighted items you would like to copy, distribute, or perform in an instructional setting but want to know if you are permitted to do so?  In this session, participants shared their copyright questions and gleaned tips on how to evaluate the copyright and permission status of teaching materials.
Demystifying Creative Commons Licensing and the Public Domain
March 8, 2017
What is Creative Commons (CC) licensing? How can it protect your copyrighted works and make them broadly available for public use? What uses can you make of CC-licensed works? Is CC-licensing the same as putting your works in the public domain? In this session we discussed these questions and aimed to tease out some answers.

lf you would like to learn more about how copyright works in a university setting, consider self-enrolling in the Copyright Course on Moodle. This course is open to all current University of Lethbridge faculty, staff, and students.

The Copyright Course comprises a series of 7 openly-licensed learning modules created by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries called Copyright for University Instructors and Staff. Each module includes a video that runs between 3 and 6 minutes, a downloadable video transcript, and a quiz to test your knowledge.

This course covers the following topics:  
  • Module 1: Introduction to the Training Modules (06:25)
  • Module 2: How Does Copyright Law Apply at My University? (03:53)
  • Module 3: When Do I Need to Think About Copyright? (03:19)
  • Module 4: The Balancing Act: What Rights Do Copyright Owners Have? (05:39)
  • Module 5: The Balancing Act: User Rights (06:25)
  • Module 6: What Do I Need to Know About Licensing? (06:12)
  • Module 7: Openly Licensed Materials (04:12)

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Contact Us

University Copyright Advisor office
E-mail: copyright@uleth.ca
Phone: 403-332-4472

Rumi Graham
University Copyright Advisor
L1154, University Library

Nanda Stannard
Library Operations Specialist
L1156, University Library

Mechelle McCalla
Library Operations Specialist
L1146, University Library

Copyright Blog

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