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Copyright: Reserves

Electronic Reserve

The Library's Electronic Reserve (E-Reserve) system is an online alternative to the Reserve Collection. A significant advantage is that E-Reserve materials are available to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moodle is another option for providing electronic access to your class readings.

E-Reserve materials may be accessed by currently enrolled University of Lethbridge students and course instructors. Access to E-Reserve materials is through the same Course Reserves module that allows students to look up the call numbers for physical materials (e.g., books, photocopies, sound recordings) in the Library's Reserve Collection.

Please note the following:

  • For each course having materials on E-Reserve, a unique course password is distributed by the instructor to enrolled students. The course password may be selected by the instructor if desired.
  • The following file types may be placed on E-Reserve:
    • documents (DOC, PDF, PPT, TXT)
    • URLs
    • images (BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF)
    • sounds (MP3, WAV)
    • movies (AVI, MOV)
    • animation (MPEG)
    • HTML files
  • All E-Reserve materials that are copies (reproductions) must comply with the provisions of the Canadian Copyright Act or applicable licenses.
  • In most cases if a printed copy of an excerpt (e.g., a book chapter or journal article) can be placed in the print Reserve Collection without infringing copyright or breaching a license agreement, it may alternatively be placed on E-Reserve.
  • The University's Guidelines for Copying under Fair Dealing provide a basic summary of factors relevant to an assessment of whether a copy is likely to be covered by the Copyright Act's fair dealing provision.
  • The Copyright Permissions Flow Chart provides an overview of when permission is needed and possible permission sources.

To place materials on E-Reserve:

  1. Obtain copyright permissions, if applicable, before submitting reproductions (e.g., PDFs) of materials to be placed on E-Reserve.  If you require copyright assistance, please contact the University Copyright Advisor at copyright@uleth.ca.
  2. In general, copyright permission is not required if the material to be placed on E-Reserve will be accessed through URLs rather than uploaded documents.
  3. Gather the attribution information for each excerpt or reproduction (e.g., author and title of excerpt/work, author and title of source, edition, publisher, publication year, page range, URL).
  4. Complete an E-Reserve processing request form (PDF or Word). Or, submit your requests using this online form.
  5. E-mail your completed form1 and PDF readings, if applicable, to copyright@uleth.ca. If you would like PDFs to be created for you from Library-owned sources, remember to include their call numbers in the request form.
  6. Submit your E-Reserve processing request at least one week before the beginning of the semester in which your course is offered.

1 An e-mailed form is not needed if you submitted your requests using the online form.

Print Reserve

The Library's Reserve Collection contains physical copies of materials designated by instructors as course-related reading, viewing, or listening. Reserve Collection materials are assigned shorter than normal loan periods. Access to course-related Reserve Collection materials is available only to registered University of Lethbridge students and University personnel who require access for purposes of teaching support.

Please note the following:

  • Original materials (e.g., books and print journals) are preferred over reproductions (e.g., photocopies and printed copies of downloaded materials).
  • Instructors may submit personal copies of original materials for placement in the Reserve Collection. The Library accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of personal copies in the Reserve Collection.
  • In general, materials belonging to non-circulating collections may not be placed in the Reserve Collection. Inquiries about possible exceptions should be directed to the appropriate Subject Librarian.
  • The Library reserves the right to limit the number of copies of materials placed in the Reserve Collection - normally 1 copy per 30 students, up to a maximum of 3 copies.
  • All Reserve Collection materials that are copies (reproductions) must comply with the provisions of the Canadian Copyright Act and applicable licenses.
  • The University's Guidelines for Copying under Fair Dealing provide a basic summary of factors relevant to an assessment of whether a copy is likely to be covered by the Copyright Act's fair dealing provision.
  • The Copyright Permissions Flow Chart provides an overview of when permission is needed and possible permission sources.
  • Requests for adding materials to the Reserve Collection are processed in order of receipt.

To place materials on Print Reserve:

  1. Check the Library Catalogue to determine whether materials to be placed in the Reserve Collection are owned by the Library. When materials are located in the Catalogue, note the call numbers for inclusion in your reserve processing request form.
  2. Obtain copyright permissions, if applicable, before submitting reproductions (e.g., photocopies) of materials to be placed in the Reserve Collection.  If you require copyright assistance, please contact the University Copyright Advisor at copyright@uleth.ca.
  3. Gather the attribution information for each excerpt or reproduction (e.g., author and title of excerpt/work, author and title of source, edition, publisher, publication year, and page range) for inclusion in your reserve processing request form.
  4. Complete a reserve processing request form (PDF or Word).  If materials to be placed in the Reserve Collection include personal copies, enclose the completed form with the personal copies and send or deliver them to the Library’s General Services Desk. Personal copies will be returned to instructors at the end of the semester. 
  5. If all copies of materials to be placed in the Reserve Collection are held in the Library, instructors may send the completed reserve processing request form to the Library's General Services Desk, or e-mail it to library.services@uleth.ca.

Contact Us

University Copyright Advisor office
E-mail: copyright@uleth.ca
Phone: 403-332-4472

Rumi Graham
University Copyright Advisor
L1154, University Library

Nanda Stannard
Library Operations Specialist
L1156, University Library

Mechelle McCalla
Library Operations Specialist
L1146, University Library

Copyright Blog

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