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Archaeology 2850: Americas and Oceania

University Library resources to support the course Archaeology 2850: Archaeology of the Americas and Oceania.

Specialized Encyclopedias & Reference Works

Examples of resources that provide background information relevant to Archaeology of North America:

Caribbean, Mesoamerica & South America Focus

Oceania & Australia Focus

Reference Materials: Encyclopedias & Handbooks -- Searching

Encyclopedias, handbooks and other "reference" sources are available electronically and in print from the University Library. The contain background information about a topic and can often help lead you to primary and secondary sources to use in your research papers.

Use the SUMMON discovery tool on the Library home page to locate encyclopedias and handbooks. Hint: When searching using SUMMON, refine search results by CONTENT TYPE > 'Reference'; you may also want to refine by DISCIPLINE > ‘History & Archaeology’ .

World History & Pre-History

General Encycopedias & Reference Works: North American History

Examples of resources that provide background information on a variety of general topics in early North American history:

Archaeology Dictionaries

Archaeology Dictionaries

Examples of resources that explain terminology used within the discipline: