Research Help Desk
Classroom Assistance
General Library Tours
Library Credit Courses
The Research Help Desk is the centre of drop-in library instruction. Throughout the year the Research Assistance staff answer thousands of student, faculty, staff and public questions. We also teach anyone who is interested in learning how to be self-reliant in the library. Staff will help students with all aspects of research - everything from learning how to choose and use an electronic index to find information on how to properly construct reference lists and bibliographies. You can Ask Us a question via IM, email, in person/phone or text message.
Library research assignments
Subject librarians will assist faculty in designing library research projects that make the best use of the Library's resources. Please consider contacting us as you prepare your assignments.
Classroom instruction/library tours
Subject librarians will come into the classroom and provide instruction on library research, gearing their presentation specifically to your course. As well, they will conduct library tours to help students locate information on their specific topics. Fill out the Library Instruction Request form or contact the appropriate subject librarian.
Off-campus groups may request a general library tour by completing the General Library Tour Request form. For those who can't make it for a physical tour, we offer a Virtual Library Tour where people can peruse the library at their leisure.
Library Science 2000: Library Research & Information Systems
The conceptual framework and basic skills necessary to identify, locate and use a variety of information sources in various disciplines and types of libraries. Emphasis upon new developments and trends in information provision, including online catalogues, online databases, electronic journals and end-user searching.
Library Science 0520: Information Literacy
This course is designed to teach Library research skills and a companion set of study skills and computer skills that together will help students adjust to the university environment and enhance their opportunity for academic success. Students will learn how information is organized, how to search for and retrieve information using both print and online resources, and how to evaluate and use information. In formulating and conducting research strategies, students will also have the opportunity to develop skills in time management, goal setting, note taking and critical thinking, all of which are essential for success in any academic program.