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Facts and Statistics

Library Website
Onsite Services
Library Hours

The University Library exists to advance the scholarly, research and creative endeavors of the University of Lethbridge. It offers instruction programs, services and information resources aimed at cultivating information literacy and independent learning.

Library Website

The Library's website provides access to resources and services which are available both on and off campus. These include access to the Summon Discovery, databases, e-journals and e-books as well as other electronic resources, a virtual tourhow to guides and electronic reference service.

Onsite Services

Instruction: Staff is available to assist Library users with class assignments and research questions as well as to offer instruction in the effective use of information resources and the tools available to locate them. Visit the Research Help Desk on level 10, use the Ask Us reference service available via the Library website or use our instant messaging reference service. Tours are available at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.

Collections: The Library provides collections of educational materials in a variety of formats to support the University's academic and research programs. There are roughly 1.4 million physical items in the collection including books, journals, government publications, audiovisuals, maps, and microforms. In addition, the Library subscribes to a number of electronic resources in a variety of disciplines including indexes and databases, e-books, e-journals, and government documents.

Borrowing: Anyone with a validated ULethbridge Campus Identification Card is entitled to borrow circulating materials from the Library. Those with a ULethbridge library card in good standing may apply for a TAL (The Alberta Library) card which can be used to borrow books directly from participating libraries throughout Alberta. ULethbridge alumni and community members may purchase a membership or use their TAL cards from their home libraries to borrow books.

Loan periods vary depending on the type of material and some items are non-circulating. Materials in heavy demand, such as required readings for courses, are placed on Reserve and are subject to shortened loan periods. For further information regarding borrowing privileges, you may visit the General Services Desk on level 10 or go to the Library homepage for more information.

Interlibrary Loans: The Library will try to obtain -- for faculty, students and staff -- those materials required for study and research that are not available at the University of Lethbridge Library. To request an Interlibrary Loan, go to the Library homepage for more information.

Media Services: A collection of equipment is available for use onsite as well as for loan. Those with a validated Library card can visit the General Services Desk on level 10 to book, borrow or obtain assistance in using available equipment. Some services are restricted to faculty, staff and students of the University. Visit our Media Services page.

Study Facilities: The Library provides a variety of study spaces including study tables, carrels and group study rooms. The study carrels are equipped with computers loaded with internet browsers, word processing and spreadsheet application software. Other carrels are equipped with listening and viewing equipment. Several carrels and the group study rooms provide connections for laptops and wireless network is available on all levels. A number of computers with specialized software and devices to assist students, faculty and staff with disabilities are also available. Photocopiers/printers are available on all three levels.

Faculty of Education Curriculum Laboratory: The Curriculum Laboratory, located on level 11, is a learning resource centre designed to support the Faculty of Education's teacher education program. Multi-format materials relevant to the Alberta school curriculum are available for preview and/or loan. Collections and facilities include group study spaces, Macintosh computers, a scanner and other preview and materials preparation equipment that are available to users when the Library is open. Circulating materials are signed out and returned at the Library's General Services Desk.

Library Hours

The Library's hours vary throughout the year.

Fall/Spring Semesters

September through December and January through April when classes are in session open hours are:

Monday to Thursday 
 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Summer Hours

From May through August when classes are in session open hours are:

Monday to Thursday
 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

During Intersession open hours are:

Monday to Friday
     8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Library hours are subject to change so please check the Library's website for current hours.


Assessment Team Reports

Please see the University of Lethbridge Annual Facts from Institutional Analysis for more Library statistics.