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English for Academic Purposes

A guide for students in the EAP program.

Updating Your Borrowing Privileges

To update your account, navigate to the library home page. Under Quick Links, click Apply for Borrowing Privileges.


Under part 1: Fill in your University ID. Under CampusCard Barcode, use the 14 digit code that is found on your campus card. Please note: If you have not received a campus card, you can leave this section blank.



Common Troubleshooting Problems

  • I've logged in but the login screen keeps loading without logging me in
    • In this case, the best thing to do is clear your cache. Then try logging in from the library homepage. You can also try a new browser.


  • It says my library privileges have expired?
    • You can apply for library privileges under Quick Links. This will let us know you have a problem and need access. You can also message us through our IM.