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Games Room Policy: About

This policy has been developed to ensure fair and safe use of the VR room. Please observe its contents while you are using the room.

  1. Room access will only be granted to individuals that have signed the associated waiver form.
  2. Only those who have read over the posted hazard assessment and signed the associated waiver form can use the equipment in the room.
  3. Equipment (e.g., virtual reality headset and gaming controllers) must be attached to your body if straps, headbands, or other forms of securement are available.
  4. The play area must remain clear of obstructions.
  5. Users must remain seated while using virtual reality for the first time. Users may only stand up and move freely as they grow accustomed to virtual reality.
  6. Children under 13 are prohibited from using virtual reality.
  7. Users must discontinue use if any negative symptoms are experienced.
  8. Food and drinks prohibited.
  9. Users will return the Game Room key to the Library Services Desk when they are finished using the room.
  10. If a member of the University Community disregards the conditions imposed on the use of library resources and services, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate parties for disciplinary action, in accordance with established University policy.

On September 23, 2024, the Library Advisory & Planning Committee (LAPC) approved the Games Room Policy.