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Knowledge Mobilization & Impact

A selection of web tools that support scholarly research activities across the research lifecycle.

How Altmetric Supports Research

What's the Research-Related Purpose?

  • To track and demonstrate the reach and influence of your work to key stakeholders.
  • To collect mentions of scholarly articles from newspapers, blogs, social media, etc.

Additional Information:

  • Altmetric is subscription-based; the University of Lethbridge Library provides Altmetric integration within the Summon search tool results but does not currently subscribe to the full resource.

Further Reading:

  • Cress, P. E. (2014). Using Altmetrics and social media to supplement impact factor: Maximizing your article’s academic and societal impact. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 34(7), 1123-1126.



University of Lethbridge Examples: Altmetric

The University Library's SUMMON search tool embeds Altmetric icons  into returned search results. They look like this: