The University Library hires part-time student assistants for duties which include, but are not limited to:
- shelving library materials
- assisting at service desks
- maintaining library collections
- processing materials for inclusion into the Library collections
- retrieving materials from the Library stacks for Interlibrary Loan lending
- processing incoming materials for Interlibrary Loan borrowing
- basic data entry
- general office duties
Qualifications common to successful applicants include but are not limited to:
- computer literacy
- keyboarding
- clerical experience
- public service experience
- ability to work independently
- ability to perform detailed duties accurately
- organizational and time management skills
- information literacy skills
- good communication skills
The Library is an equal opportunity employer and the supervisors responsible for hiring student assistants base their decisions on the following criteria:
- hours that need to be covered and the skills required to perform the duties assigned
- previous library experience
- qualifications of the applicants
- hours the applicants have available and whether those hours meet the needs of the Library
Library supervisors reserve the right to hire who they feel is the most qualified candidate, based on the above criteria.
Approved by: University Library Steering Committee