Examples of resources that provide background information relevant to Archaeology of North America:
Examples of resources that provide background information on a variety of general topics in early North American history:
Plains in AMERICAS, NORTH from Encyclopedia of Archaeology, The North American Great Plains has been occupied for the past 11 000 years or more by a succession of cultures that began by adapting to the semi-arid setting of this great interior grassland in the closing years of the last ice age. Early cultures hunted mammoths, giant bison, and other megafauna. Following the disappearance of megafauna the preferred game animal was bison, which reduced in size over time to its present size. Postglacial cultures developed the tipi and other regional specialties, and devised means to kill large numbers of bison. More...
SOURCE: Wood, W. R. (2008). Plains. In D. M. Pearsall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of archaeology. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science & Technology.