Among the many reasons why it is important to properly manage your research data are compliance with the Canadian Tri-Council funding ggencies (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR), improving research efficiency and furthering U of L's aspiration to remain a highly regarded comprehensive research university.
The Canadian Tri-Council funding agencies propose that research data produced as a result of publicly-funded research be made openly available to anyone with an interest in viewing and using it. Learning about and following appropriate research data management protocols and procedures will assist you and other researchers to transition to the anticipated new requirements.
A significant benefit of properly managed research data is improved efficiency of current as well as future research. Organizing your data organized in a standardized, efficient way makes it easier for fellow researchers to examine, verify, reuse or build upon it (and vice versa). Well organized, properly stored data also greatly reduces risks of accidental or malicious data loss. A 2013 study by Vines et al., suggests 80% of scientific research data is lost within 20 years of creation, mostly as a result of broken emails and obsolete storage devices.
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