Applies to individuals with the following appointments at the University of Lethbridge:
- Adjunct Professors
- Collaborative Faculty
- Music Conservatory Staff
- Research Colleagues (with letter of introduction from Chair/Dean of Department/Faculty)
- Others as authorized by the University Librarian
Annual Fee:
NOTE: Loan periods are for the period specified or to the expiration date of your borrowing privileges, whichever comes first.
On-site Collections of Resources
Loan Period
Main Circulating items (except non-current periodicals)
17 weeks, subject to recall after initial 3 weeks
1, subject to immediate recall
Non-current periodicals
2 weeks
Not permitted
Not accepted
Current periodicals
1 day
Not permitted
Not accepted
Reference, Government Documents, Microforms
Not permitted
Not accepted
Reserve collections
hourly or daily
Not permitted
Not accepted
Audiovisual software
7 days, unless already booked
1, unless booked; subject to immediate recall
Booking advised
Audiovisual equipment (high-demand)
Depending on equipment requested, from 24 to 96 hours
Not permitted
Booking advised
Audiovisual equipment (low-demand)
7 days, unless already booked
1, unless booked; subject to immediate recall
Booking advised
Special Collections, University Archives, University Records
Not permitted
Not accepted
Curriculum Laboratory circulating items
3 weeks
2, subject to immediate recall
Holds/recalls only accepted
Loan Limits:
- unlimited items from reserve collections
- holds/recalls accepted for items currently on loan to another borrower
- holds accepted for items with a status of IN PROCESS or ON ORDER
- holds accepted for items listed with an RSTOR (Off-site Main Circulating collection) location
- holds/recalls not accepted on periodicals
- holds/recalls not accepted on reserve materials
- bookings accepted for audiovisual software
- bookings accepted for audiovisual hardware
Interlibrary Loan:
- available at cost. Patrons must indicate that they "will accept lending charges" under OTHER INFORMATION on the online interlibrary loan request form. Payment is due upon receipt of the item.
- cost per filled request = service charge* plus lending charges**. The service charge = $10 per filled request. Lending charges are variable and set by the lending institution.
- may request items from any location
* The service charge is recommended by the University Library and approved by the Board of Governors.
** The lending charges are those fees paid by the University Library to lending institutions to acquire the interlibrary loan on behalf of the requestor.
Access to Electronic Resources Off-campus: