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Access Policy - PART ONE: INTRODUCTION : About Us

Part One of the University of Lethbridge Library Access Policy


The purpose of The University of Lethbridge Library's resources and services is to further the academic mandate of the University by facilitating access to information in all formats for the purposes of study and research.

Use of University Library resources must be in compliance with the Copyright Act and applicable license agreements.

The objective of the Access Policy is to provide equitable access to the resources and services of the University Library.


For the purposes of this policy, the "University Community" comprises the following individuals:

  • Members of The University of Lethbridge Faculty Association
  • Faculty Emeriti/Retired Faculty
  • Sessional Lecturers
  • Visiting Professors
  • Faculty Exchange Professors
  • Post Doctoral Fellows
  • Research Fellows
  • Research Associates
  • Individuals who are currently enrolled in credit courses offered through The University of Lethbridge at the graduate level or who have accepted an offer of admission to a collaborative program at the graduate level and who are currently registered in courses forming a part of that program.
  • Administrative Staff of the University
  • Retired Administrative Staff of the University
  • Members of Administrative/Professional Officers
  • Retired Administrative/Professional Officers
  • Members of Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Local 053
  • Retired members of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Local 053
  • Exempt Support Staff
  • Retired Exempt Support Staff
  • Adjunct Professors
  • Collaborative Faculty 
  • Music Conservatory Staff
  • Individuals who are currently enrolled in credit courses offered through The University of Lethbridge at the undergraduate level or who have accepted an offer of admission to a collaborative program and who are currently registered in courses forming a part of that program.
  • Members of The University of Lethbridge Board of Governors
  • Members of The University of Lethbridge Senate
  • Contract Users

For the purposes of this policy, "Contract Users" are individuals who are verified to be employees or members of organizations which have established contractual agreements with the University to receive special Library services.

For the purposes of this policy, "Reciprocal Users" are individuals who are verified to be employees or members of organizations which have established reciprocal agreements with the University Library to receive library services.

For the purposes of this policy, University of Lethbridge Alumni are individuals that can provide evidence of having completed a program from The University of Lethbridge.

For the purposes of this policy, "Community Users" include the following individuals:

  • Individuals employed at, but not by, The University of Lethbridge.
  • Individuals enrolled in non-credit courses or who are auditing courses.
  • Individuals over the age of 18 residing in Southern Alberta who are not members of the University Community
  • Lethbridge and area high school students upon presentation of a letter of introduction from their principal or library supervisor.

"Curriculum Laboratory" means the Faculty of Education Curriculum Laboratory, The University of Lethbridge.

"University Library" or "Library" means The University of Lethbridge Library.


3.1    During normal hours of operation, the University Library is open to any person with an interest in using its facilities, furnishings, or equipment.

3.2    Any person may use the resources and services of the University Library that are designated for public use within the context of the provisions of this Policy.

3.3    The University Library reserves the right to restrict or control access to any area, resource, or service when the preservation of materials, the needs of the University Community, the efficient operation of library processes, or the upholding of the University Library's statement of purpose (1.0, above) is served by such restrictions.

3.4    If a member of the University Community disregards the conditions imposed on the use of library resources and services, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate parties for disciplinary action, in accordance with established University policy.

Continue to Part Two: Borrowers

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