My Name is Rob Horlacher, and I am the Instructional Design Specialist at the University of Lethbridge (ULethbridge) Library. In my position, I play a key role in coordinating, providing services, hosting workshops, and offering supports for Project Sandbox. My background consists of a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in New Media from the University of Lethbridge, and I am currently working towards a Master of Education degree in Adult, Community, and Higher Education from the University of Calgary. My scholarly interests consist of the use, exploration, and examination of new media and makerspace technologies in adult and higher education. Additionally, I am passionate about providing opportunities for members of the ULethbridge community to learn and incorporate both new media and makerspace technologies into their research, scholarship, and working lives. My specializations include:
Hi there
My name is Sara, and I am a Library Operations Specialist at the University of Lethbridge (ULethbridge) Library. I am currently the Library’s Serials expert in the Technical Services department. You can typically find me poring over spreadsheets at my desk, helping people at the Library’s General Services Desk, hosting the Craft n Chill and Game Jam events for Project Sandbox or in line at Tim Horton’s. My background consists of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics from Carleton University, and a Library and Information Technician diploma from Algonquin College. I love being able to work with the campus community and create events that people feel welcome to return to again and again. I hope to see you at my next event! My specializations include:
I’m Bryson Duda and I work in the University of Lethbridge Library as a Systems Support Specialist. I perform a variety of tasks as a member of the library’s Information Systems team, including tech support, assessment, programming, and web development. I also did my undergraduate degree in Computer Science here at the ULethbridge, and I’m looking forward to taking the new Foundations of Data Science program as well. As for Project Sandbox, I’ve greatly enjoyed teaching an introductory workshop on coding with Python for the past few years, and I hope to be able to offer new, intermediate-level workshops in the future! My specializations include: