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Government Information

Library resources related to Government Information -- with an emphasis on Canadian government documents.

Reading CODOC Call Numbers

The CODOC number indicates the document's location on the shelf and provides additional information about the publication. For example, the government publication, Healthy Development of Children and Youth issued by Health Canada has the following call number:

GOVDC CA1 HW 29 1999 H43

The call number can be read as follows:

GOVDC Identifies the location (Government Documents Collection)
CA Identifies the country (Canada)
1 Identifies the level of government (Federal)
HW Identifies the department (Health Canada)
29 Identifies the branch (Health Promotion and Programs Branch)
1999 Identifies the year of publication
H43 Unique number which distinguishes this document from other documents and determines the exact location of the item relative to other documents issued by the same department

Formatting CODOC Call Numbers

Each item within the Government Document collection is given a unique call number devised according to the following codes:

Country Code: Codes for Level of Government: Provincial Codes for Canada:
CA - Canada 1 - Federal AL - Alberta
  2 - Province/Territory BC - British Columbia
  3 - Region/County MA - Manitoba
  4 - Municipal NB - New Brunswick
    NF - Newfoundland
    NT - Northwest Territories
    NV - Nova Scotia
    ON - Ontario
    PE - Prince Edward Island
    PQ - Quebec
    SA - Saskatchewan
    YU - Yukon Territory