Provides easy access to global market and consumer data from thousands of sources on topics related to business, media, public policy, health and others.
Statistics Canada is Canada's national statistics agency. Its web site provides access to a wide range of Canadian statistics, statistical publications, and analytical reports.
Canadian demography, education, health and aging, justice, housing, income, labour market, household, economy, travel, finance, agriculture, foreign trade and environment.
Analyze financial interactions of governments and individuals in Canada; assess cost implications & income redistributive effects of changes in the personal taxation and cash transfer system.
The Canadian Parliamentary Historical Resources portal includes all debates and journals from Parliament 1, Session 1 (1867) until coverage on begins.
Official newspaper of the Government of Canada; Means of informing Canadians of the operations of government and to involve them actively in the legislative process. U. of L. Library has PRINT holdings Vol. 101 (1967) - Vol. 146 (2012) for Part I (Notices and Proposed Regulations) & Part II (Official Regulations).
Portal scope is based on the collection policies and practices of individual APLIC libraries. Content varies with each jurisdiction. The portal is not comprehensive or exhaustive.