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Music Resources

This guide is intended to provide guidance for students researching in the area of Music.

Finding music recordings


Search our library catalogue by Title or Author if you already know the recording you are looking for.  Remember to type the composer's last name first!  Always limit your search to MATERIAL TYPE --> Sound recording to ensure that you receive the material type in which you are interested.

Search by KEYWORD when you don't know the title or subject heading or if you are looking for something that could be a part of another recording.  Browse your results, using the assigned Subject Headings to find more recordings on your topic.

Search by Subject Heading to find additional recordings on your topic, or books about a particular composer or, about any other topic.  Examples of the types of subject headings you can use:

  • Computer music
  • Concertos (Piano)
  • Operas
  • String orchestra music
  • Symphonies

Databases of recordings