To find books on neuroscience topics, search our library catalogue using the basic search box below or our advanced search page.
If you are looking for a particular book in the catalogue, search by Title or Author. When searching by author, enter the author's last name first (e.g., "Smith, John" rather than "John Smith").
If you are looking for books on a particular topic, search by Keyword or Subject Heading. While keyword searches may return relevant results, searching by subject heading is often more effective. Subject headings are terms that are assigned to each item in the Library catalogue in a standard, consistent manner. They define the subject of each book. Below is a list of examples of general neuroscience subject headings:
Neurosciences -- Laboratory manuals
Neurosciences -- Research -- Methodology
Neurosciences -- Social aspects.
For more information on finding books and e-books, visit our help guide.
While the University of Lethbridge Library provides access to many books and ebooks, it can be a good idea to search outside of our collection for literature pertinent to your research topic. WorldCat indexes books and other materials available in thousands of libraries worldwide. Through WorldCat, you may find relevant resources that we don't have at the ULethbridge.
If you find a book that is not available at the U of L Library, you may submit an interlibrary loan request to have the book shipped from another library. Follow this link, enter your username and password, and fill in the form to submit a request. For a book, you must enter the book's title as well as your email address and the date after which you no longer need the item. It is best, however, to fill out as many fields as possible to ensure that the correct book is ordered promptly.
Books can take from a few days to a few months to arrive at the library, so it is best to submit an ILL order as early as possible.