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Placing Materials on Reserves

Physical/Print Reserve

The Library's Reserve Collection contains physical copies of materials designated by instructors as course-related reading, viewing, or listening. Reserve Collection materials are assigned shorter than normal loan periods. Access to course-related Reserve Collection materials is available only to registered University of Lethbridge students and University personnel who require access for purposes of teaching support.

For more information about print reserves and how to place material on reserve, please click here.

Electronic Reserve

The Library's Electronic Reserve (E-Reserve) system is an online alternative to the Reserve Collection. A significant advantage is that E-Reserve materials are available to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

E-Reserve materials may be accessed by currently enrolled University of Lethbridge students and course instructors. Access to E-Reserve materials is through the same Course Reserves module that allows students to look up the call numbers for physical materials (e.g., books, photocopies, sound recordings) in the Library's Reserve Collection.

For information on what file formats can be placed on E-Reserve and how to place those files on E-Reserve, please click here.