Middle America, comprised of Mexico and upper Central America, was one of the two wellsprings of indigenous high civilization in the Pre-Columbian New World. The origins and early development of its inhabitants, who ultimately created the Maya, Aztec, Zapotec and other great nations of Mesoamerica, are topics of avid, sometimes contentious, archaeological research. Still disputed, for example, is when the first humans set foot in the Americas and from where they originated. The date of initial arrival has recently been pushed back from 12 000 to more than 13 000 years ago, but an increasing number of archaeologists argue for multiple migrations beginning as early as 30 000 to 40 000 years ago. [Zeitlin, R. N. (2008). Early cultures of Middle America. In D. M. Pearsall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of archaeology. Elsevier Science & Technology. Credo Reference]
Mesoamerican with major sites indicated. Courtesy of the Anabel Ford.