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Biology 3210: Molecular Biology: Choosing a Database

A class guide for Biology 3210, Molecular Biology.

What's in this Section?

For our purposes, a database, also referred to as an index (and sometimes as a search engine), is considered tertiary information and is used to access primary and secondary information resources.  There are many kinds of databases accessible through the Library Homepage.

Examples of databases include:

  • The Library Catalogue which indexes those resources (including the journal databases) owned or licensed by the Library.
  • Journal Databases (e.g., PubMed or Web of Science) which index journal literature.
  • Numeric databases (e.g., census, market, geo/spatial) which index numeric data.
  • The Institutional Repository which indexes the works of ULethbridge researchers and students who have deposited their research into the repository.

For this class we will be exploring GoogleScholar, PubMed, and the Web of Science Core Collection.