How can I determine whether a particular journal is peer reviewed?
Most databases will allow you to limit your search to peer reviewed articles. You will usually see this option on the database's advanced search page.
If you're unsure about a particular journal, you can look the journal up in Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory to check its publication information and determine whether or not it's peer reviewed.
What is Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory?
Ulrichsweb is a database that contains authoritative information about more than 300,000 periodicals. It includes bibliographic and publisher information for peer reviewed journals, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, etc.
How do I look up a journal in Ulrichsweb?
To determine whether a particular journal is peer reviewed, enter the title of the journal in the search bar on the Ulrichsweb homepage:
You will see a list of results matching your search terms:
Once you have located the journal, check the columns on the left. The black icon indicates a refereed (peer reviewed) journal: