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Starting Your Research

A starting point for learning about how to conduct scholarly research using Library resources.


For information on writing a research paper and other common writing assignments, see the Writing Assignments help guide as well as the sub-menus in this section:

Thesis statements, outlining and writing

Proofreading and editing

Develop a Thesis Statement

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that identifies the main point you will be arguing in your paper.

What makes a good thesis statement?

There is more than one way to write an effective thesis statement. The links below offer some general guidelines to get you started.

the·sis  [thee-sisnoun, plural the·ses  [-seez] 

  1. a proposition stated or put forward for consideration, especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections: He vigorously defended his thesis on the causes of war.
  2. a subject for a composition or essay.
  3. a dissertation on a particular subject in which one has done original research, as one presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree.

Creating an Outline

Draft Your Paper

Proofread & Edit Your Research Paper

The links below offer some general guidelines for polishing and editing your research paper.