Import from websites by using the toolbar add-on: the web importer allows you to import citations, web pages and other documents into your library from search engines and Library databases.
Drag and drop: drag a PDF into Mendeley from your desktop or folders; you can annotate, cite and highlight the PDFs from within Mendeley.
Mendeley detects the document details (author, abstract, keywords, etc.). Documents that Mendeley cannot find details for go into the 'Needs Review' section for manual verification.
Import from existing software: you can import BibTeX, RIS and EndNote XML files so you can transfer your library between EndNote, Papers and Zotero.
Automatically watch folders to add new documents: choose a folder on your computer to 'watch'; when you add papers to that folder, they will automatically be added to your Mendeley library.
Mendeley detects document details (authors, abstracts, keyword, etc.) for all documents added to your library. If Mendeley is unclear about document data for a newly imported document, it will add that document to the 'Needs Review' section of your library for manual verification.
If you prefer not to enter this information manually, Mendeley give you two options for searching for this data:
1. Use Mendeley's 'document details' lookup feature
2. Use Google Scholar