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Mendeley: Sharing and Collaborating

A guide to using Mendeley at the University of Lethbridge

Creating Groups

Groups are a simple way for you to collaborate with your colleagues and share a collection of documents.  Any member of a group may upload documents to it.  You can create a group by clicking on "Create Group" in the left hand pane.  In general, you will want to create Private groups.

Adding Members and Documents to Groups

Once you have created your group, you can add members and documents to it.

  1. To Invite Members to the group go to the Members tab.  You can either add people that are already your contacts on Mendeley by clicking on "Add" or you can invite people to join you on Mendeley by clicking on "Invite".  
  2. You can view the documents of a group by going to the Documents tab.  To Add Documents, go to the group and click on "Add documents" in the top bar, or you can simply drag and drop them to the group.
  3. To download the PDFs that other group members attach to a group, go to "Edit Settings" and tick "Download attached files to group."  Note:  attached PDF files can only be shared in Private Groups, not in Public Groups.
  4. To upload your group wth all its settings to Mendeley Web, hit the "Sync Library" button.

Using Groups

The overview tab shows a summary of what has happened in your Group.  You can see updates on who has joined, who said what, and which papers have been added by whom.

You can also post status updates by entering your update into the box at the top of the overview section.

Additionally, you can post comments and discuss your research.  Just click on "comment" and start a discussion on any given topic.