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appIT Self-serve App

Information on downloading and using the University of Lethbridge Library self-serve AppIT for circulation and other patron functions.

"appIT enables patrons to access a range of library services, including the ability to borrow & renew books using only their smart device."

D-Tech AppIT app thumbnail

D-Tech appIT can be download onto your iOS or Android devices. Click on one of the following links to download the app onto your device:

Apple store icon. Google Play store icon.

The first time using the app, you will have to select a language, institution and provide your login information:

Step 1

Login 2

Select language and tap Confirm

Step 2

Login 2

Key "university of lethbridge" and tap search icon

Step 3

Login 4

Select University of Lethbridge from the search results and tap Confirm.

Step 4

Enter or scan your 14 digit barcode

Login by entering your 14 digital Campus Card barcode or use the barcode scan feature.  We recommend keying your barcode and tap Login.

Main Screen Functions

What's On
A link to News and Noteworthy events in the Library.

On Loan
If you have items on loan, they will appear on this screen including due dates and if applicable, the option to renew.

To Collect
If you have items on hold that are ready to be picked-up, they will appear on this screen.

Fees Due
Any outstanding fines or charges will be listed on this screen.
Note to Students: any library charges incurred are automatically transferred to your Banner SIS account.

If you would like to scan and store your Campus ID barcode, here is where it is available.

Various settings and app logout functions.

Tap this button to check-out library materials.  See next tab for more details.

If you have any questions, please ask at our service desk.


The RFID tagging of the collection will be an on-going project for some time.  If you are not able to check-out an item, it may be the item has not been tagged yet.  Not a problem, take the material to the Library Services Desk and staff will gladly check the material out for you.


Take a moment to read the instructions.  For best results, scan one item at a time..

Step 2

SLOWLY move your mobile phone over the back cover of the book.

Step 3

Once the tag has been found, stop moving your phone.

Step 4

The app will complete the circulation transaction and desensitize the security tag.

Step 5

Item is checked out.  Check out another?

The circulation transaction is complete and you may check-out more materials.

Need some help or had problems?  You can always visit our services desk for assistance!


D-Tech appIT Help Videos