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Research Data Management

Research Data Management, or RDM as you will often see it referred to, is simply managing and organizing the data that is generated as a result of your research throughout the entire research life cycle. You certainly have some form of RDM already; this g


The ULethbridge now has a subscription to Borealis, a national data repository. For more information, please visit

Handy Guides to help you decide what to do with your data

Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR)

The Canadian Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) has officially launched into full production! Portage has been working towards this for several years. FRDR is a national solution for storage of big research datasets, and offers the following:

  • Publish research data in a Canadian-owned, bilingual national repository option
  • 1 TB of repository storage available to all faculty members at Canadian post-secondary institutions - more storage may be available upon request
  • Secure repository storage, distributed geographically across multiple Compute Canada Federation hosting sites
  • Data curation support provided by Portage
  • Ability to work with multiple collaborators on a single submission 
  • Your data will be discoverable alongside other Canadian collections in the FRDR Discovery Portal
  • FRDR datasets are discoverable through the ULethbridge Library’s Summon search.

FRDR is designed to address a longstanding gap in Canada's research infrastructure by providing researchers with a robust repository option into which large research datasets can be ingested, curated, processed for preservation, discovered, cited, and shared. 

The FRDR Discovery Portal enables discovery of and access to Canadian research data, while FRDR’s repository services will help researchers store and manage their data, preserve their research for future use, and comply with institutional and funding agency data management requirements.

FRDR is made possible through a collaboration between Portage, the Compute Canada Federation and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, with development and infrastructure support from the University of Saskatchewan, Simon Fraser University, the University of Waterloo, and the University of Toronto.

Portage is offering webinars on FRDR to help researchers, faculty, librarians, and others learn how to use the platform for data sharing, deposit, and discovery. If you have any questions or would like to know more about FRDR, please contact or your subject librarian.




Finding a Suitable Home for Your Research Data

If you are unsure about a suitable repository for your research data, please contact your subject liaison librarian for assistance and advice; feel free to recommend additional subject-based repositories that you think of for this list.

The following tools may be used to identify a repository for your research data.

SOCIAL SCIENCES Specific Research Data Repositories

ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research)


Focus: Social Sciences

About: Long-Term Preservation; Worldwide Dissemination; User Support; Different Levels of Access Options; Aggregation of Publications. ICPSR is an international consortium of 700+ academic and research organizations; maintains a data archive of more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences. [Additional Information: "Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving: Best Practice Throughout the Data Life Cycle: 6th Edition"

Data Deposit Process:

QDR: Qualitative Data Repository


Focus: Social Sciences

About: The Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) is a dedicated archive for storing and sharing digital data (and accompanying documentation) generated or collected through qualitative and multi-method research in the social sciences. QDR provides search tools to facilitate the discovery of data, and also serves as a portal to material beyond its own holdings, with links to U.S. and international archives. The repository’s initial emphasis is on political science.

QDR is funded by the National Science Foundation, and hosted by the Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry, a unit of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.

Source: (Accessed 2020-04-07)

Looking for Canadian Research Data?

Lunaris is Canada’s national discovery service for multidisciplinary data from research institutions across the country. Datasets from over 90 academic, government, and research repositories are made discoverable in a bilingual interface that provides keyword and map-based searching.