"Speculation and speculative investments may occur when valuables are held or sought for future sale or purchase, respectively. Speculation and speculative investments may also occur when valuables are held or sought for a shorter or longer time than originally anticipated. Valuables can be securities, foreign currencies, commodities, pieces of art, land, and real estate, among other things.
The goal is to obtain the maximum profit (i.e., a favorable difference between the purchase price and the sales price). Timing is of great importance. A purchaser-investor or speculator-investor may believe that the future value of an item will increase, although there is a risk that the expected appreciation will either not happen at all or only happen much later than anticipated. Similarly, a seller-investor or speculator-investor may believe that the future of a valuable will decrease, although this may not occur or may occur at a different time than anticipated." More...
SOURCE: Anacker, K. B. (2012). Speculation. In A. T. Carswell (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Housing (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 698-701). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference.