Consideration of Others/General Behaviour
Use of Collections and Facilities
Equitable Access
Food and Drink
Faculty of Education Curriculum Laboratory
Exiting the Library
All policies referred to in the University of Lethbridge Library Code of Conduct can be found in the University's Policy Manual and in Library Plans and Policies.
Background information on Library Code of Conduct.
The University Library is committed to providing patrons with equitable and fair access to its resources and services in an environment conducive to academic activities, which have priority over other activities.
Patrons must observe all University policies and appeal procedures, applicable sections of the University of Lethbridge Academic Calendars, and posted rules of University Library use. Patrons are encouraged to report any potential violations of guidelines and policies to library personnel.
Patrons and visitors are expected to engage in behaviour consistent with these goals. Entering the University Library indicates an agreement to do so.
Cooperation, courtesy, and respect are integral to fostering a collegial environment. Patrons are expected to be considerate to others and to use the University Library for its intended purposes.
This code of conduct is not meant to exhaustively describe behaviour that may infringe the rights of others.
Patrons are expected to respect University Library collections in accordance with the University Library’s Access Policy.
When using the Library, furniture, if moved, must be returned to its original configuration. Library property must be treated with respect (i.e., furnishings must not be defaced or damaged).
Patrons are entitled to equitable access to the resources of the Library. Obstructing access to the Library’s digital or physical resources is not acceptable.
Patrons must respect study area designations and noise level expectations by conducting their activities accordingly. See Appendix A for zones and definitions.
Audio outputs on mobile devices must be turned off upon entering the Library and telephone calls must be taken outside of the Library. The volume levels on all headsets used with Library equipment or personal devices must be kept low enough that the sound cannot be heard by others.
Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in the University Library. The food and drink guidelines strive to balance patrons’ needs with the need to maintain a clean and comfortable environment.
Beverages must be in spill resistant containers (e.g., travel mugs, closed drink bottles, etc.). Food consumed in the Library must produce minimal mess and smell (e.g., carrot sticks, chips, chocolate bars, etc.).
Patrons must dispose of waste materials in proper garbage and/or recycling receptacles, be responsible for any messes or spills, and report any refuse or spills to Library staff.
This area of the facility provides open teaching areas and work spaces supporting collaborative activities such as microteach lessons, booktalks, and group planning. Areas are sometimes booked for Education class use. Headphones are required for personal media use.
Patrons are expected to leave the Library when it closes, during emergency situations or drills, and when asked to do so. Remaining in the Library after hours is trespassing and may result in disciplinary action.
Patrons are expected to pass through the security gates when exiting the University Library, and to empty their backpacks, bags, etc. if the exit alarm is activated.
Library staff are responsible for ensuring the Code of Conduct is adhered to. They are empowered to inform patrons of the policy and to request compliance.
Serious offences and repeated violations of this Code of Conduct may result in intervention from Security Services and application of appropriate institutional disciplinary policy.
(see Library Virtual Tour for zones)
Ratified by the GFC Library Committee September 27, 2017