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Geography - Human

University of Lethbridge Library Guide to resources related to Human Geography.

Strategies for Finding Maps @ the University of Lethbridge Library

  • SUMMON: This discovery tool accessible from the search box on the Library home page searches for both print and digital maps described in Library Catalogue as well as those held in other locations (e.g., Open Government collections). After a keyword search it is necessary to limit results by "Content Type" > "Map."
  • LIBRARY CATALOGUE: All available print maps are described in the Library Catalogue. Use it to find the map's location and call number by performing an Advanced Keyword search using a keyword (e.g., "Lethbridge") and limiting results by Location to "ULethbridge Map Collection."  Hint: You can identify maps held in other Library locations (e.g., Government Documents) by limiting results to Material Type "Map."
  • NTS INDEX MAPS: To identify topographic maps of Canada, use the NTS Index Maps located on top of the map cabinets or use GeoGratis. Maps are available in two standard scales: 1/50,000 and 1/250,000. E.g., 82H (online & print) is the 1:250,000 scale for Lethbridge, Alberta and 82H/10 (online & print ) is the 1:50,000 scale.
  • OTHER: The Finding Tools section of the GIS & Spatial Data LibGuide provides additional electronic discovery tools for locating both print and digital maps (e.g., place-name search).

Frequently Used Series Maps

Digital Maps: Web Resources

Print Map Collection

The University Library's print Map Collection is located on Level-10-South. Included are topographical, thematic, historical and geological maps.

Use the GIS & Spatial Data LibGuide if you are seeking map-related data compatible with GIS software,

Use the free GeoGratis Geospatial Products tool if you require digital NTS topographic maps (PDF / GeoTIFF formats).

Map-Related Subject Headings: Examples