Library Privileges
Campus ID Card
Information & Research Assistance
Borrowing books and other Library materials
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
The Alberta Library (TAL) Card
Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) Card
External Pages
Calgary Campus Student Survival Guide
Copyright Information
English for Academic Purpose LibGuide
International Student Resources LibGuide
EndNote Guide
Distance is not a barrier to services!
The Library homepage is your gateway to Library resources and services, but we have some special services in place to help you access those resources and services from the Calgary Campus.
Get your ULethbridge Campus ID Card as soon as possible. The card is your passport to University Library services such as borrowing materials from the Lethbridge Campus and interlibrary loan services.
Present this card to the Calgary Campus Office and ask for The Alberta Library (TAL) and/or Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) cards to borrow materials from other libraries.
Be sure to carry this card at all times when at the Calgary or Lethbridge campuses.
Use our Ask Us suite of services to:
Online research guides are freely accessible 24/7 for subject specific research resources.
If you are at the Lethbridge Campus, please stop at the Library Services Desk for in person assistance.
Click here to read about Calgary Campus access privileges for students.Click here to view borrowing guidelines for all patrons.
When you find an item in Summon that you want to borrow, select the "Request" button associated with the title. You may be prompted to enter your ULethbridge username and password set to make your request.
Figure. "Request" button highlighted in Summon display of Human Resources Management for Health Care Organizations: A Strategic Approach.
The item will be sent to your home address with return postage to return the item. Fines may be assessed on items returned late.
If you have any questions about this service, please contact
If you need a book or journal article that is not available from the University Library, you may request an interlibrary loan. Complete the online ILL form which is accessible from the Library Homepage. The Library will borrow the item from another library and send it to the Calgary Campus Office for you. Click here for additional details about this service.
With your University Library privileges, you can receive a TAL Card from the Calgary Campus office that can be updated each semester.
This card gives you free borrowing privileges at more than 300 academic and public libraries throughout Alberta — including Calgary Public Library branches, SAIT, the University of Calgary, and many more.
Map of TAL member libraries relative to the Calgary Campus Office (Bow Valley College):
Present your ULethbridge Campus ID Card to the Calgary Office to obtain a COPPUL Card. This card gives you borrowing privileges at other universities in Western Canada. Borrowing privileges may be slightly more generous than you will receive with the TAL Card at Alberta universities.
As long as all outstanding library fines have been paid, you may update your COPPUL Card each semester.
Map of COPPUL member library locations:
NOTE: Some libraries have more than one branch/campus location — please visit each library's website for details.