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Indigenous Studies

Finding Articles

Photo of buffalo calf and cow sitting in green grass

How to Find Articles

This page offers suggestions for finding articles for your research projects.

  • The Summon Find Articles tab will allow you to search Databases and Journals by Title.

Photo of Summon Find Articles tab







  • The Advanced Search feature allows you to customize your search to find scholarly, peer-reviewed materials, materials in other languages, different content types, and/or materials from certain dates.

Image of the Advanced Search page


  • Using the Library's Google Scholar search box will also allow you to find articles that you have access to through your university account.

Image of university Google Scholar search page


  • Articles that you have access to will have a link in the far right margin to either a website, a PDF, or a Find it @ULethbridgeethbridge link

Image of Google Scholar search results

Image of feathered bonnet

Bibliography of Native North Americans (BNNA)

Indexes material related to all aspects of native North American culture, history and life. Subject coverage includes archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy.

North American Indian Thought and Culture

Access primary sources documenting the history of Canadian First Peoples, American Indians, and Alaskan Natives. Includes a detailed timeline of Indian events, cross-referenced by region and tribe.
Content: Biographies, autobiographies, letters, diaries, oral histories, reference works, speeches, manuscripts, photographs

Indigenous Studies Portal (iPortal)

Access resources focused primarily on First Nations and Aboriginals of Canada, with a secondary focus on North American materials and beyond.
Content: Scholarly journals, books, photographs, theses, archival resources, maps

American Indian Histories and Cultures

Search through a wide range of historical and primary resources that explore the interactions between American Indians and Europeans from earliest contact, through the American Civil War, and up to the civil rights movement. Includes material related to American Indian history in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Content: Manuscripts, artwork, printed book, photographs, newspapers, treaties, speeches & diaries, historic maps, travel journals

Suggested Journals

Selected Databases & Indices

Suggested Databases
General Databases

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Suggested Indigenous Newspapers



Suggested Newspaper Databases

Indigenous Heritage - Libraries & Archives Canada

Kenojuak with her children, Kinngait, Nunavut, late summer 1960

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) acquires, preserves, and provides access to published and archival heritage material that represents First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation experiences and contributions to Canada. This includes text, photographs, maps, and audio-visual material. Explore the collection through the online databases, digitized documents and thematic guides: