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Knowledge Mobilization & Impact

A selection of web tools that support scholarly research activities across the research lifecycle.

How ORCiD Supports Research

What's the Research-Related Purpose?

  • To create a non-proprietary, international ID that provides you with a unique and persistent digital identifier.
  • To enable research databases to automatically link publications to you by your ORCiD.
  • To ensure compliance with certain research granting agency requirements.
  • To have a listing of all of your publications in one, publicly viewable place.

Additional Information:

  • ORCiD = Open Researcher and Contributor ID.
  • You may register for a free ORCiD identifier at To register, enter your name and email address and create a password. You need not have an official affiliation and there is no set of requirements to qualify as a researcher.
  • ORCiD allows and encourages users to link their ORCiD record to other identifiers.  For example, researchers can link their Scopus Author ID to ORCiD, or link to ORCiD from their Web of Science Author Profile record, and in both cases synchronize publication data with their ORCiD record.

Further Reading:

What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.