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A Selection of Faculty Publications

Spotlight on Dr. Gülden Özcan

Journal Articles

Coşar, S., & Özcan, G. (2021). A feminist analysis of security in Turkey: Neoliberal patriarchy, authoritarianism, and package politics. Journal of World-Systems Research, 27(1), 35-57.

Özcan, G., Yildizbasi, A., & Eraslan, E. (2019). Inşaat firmalarinin isg bağlaminda bulanik grup karar verme yaklaşimi ile değerlendirilmesi. Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 30(3), 204.

Özcan, G. (2014). Revisiting national security discourse in Turkey with a view to pacification: From military power to police power onto orchestration of labour power. Momentdergi, 1(1)


MA Thesis from Carleton University (2007)

"On the Prospect of a New Theoretical Framework: Reading Marx and Foucault Together to Re-examine Capital Exploitation"


PhD Dissertation from Carleton University (2017)

"Orchestrating the Public: A Contribution to the Critique of Modern Police Power"


Forthcoming Publications:

  • (co-author: Simten Coşar) “Feminist Praxis in Exile: Collaborative Autoethnography,” in Po-Han Lee and Sohini Chatterjee (eds.), Autoethnography of ‘Plural Feminisms’: Narrativising Resistance as Everyday Praxis (Bloomsbury Academic).
  • “Policing as Nation-Building: A Brief History of the North-West Mounted Police,” in Johanne Jean-Pierre, Vanessa Watts, Carl E. James, Patrizia Albanese, Xiaobei Chen and Michael Graydon (eds.), Reading Sociology: De-colonizing Canada, 4th ed. (Oxford University Press).
  • “Racism in the City: The Colour of Policing in Lethbridge,” in Caroline Hodes and Glenda Bonifacio (eds.), Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change (Athabasca University Press).