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Counselling & Educational Psychology

Recommended Databases for Journal Articles

Getting the most out of your searches

This short guide provides you with tips for searching Education topics for relevant articles, using keywords, and getting help.

Use this worksheet, revised for Education researchers, to guide you step-by-step when beginning a new topic search.

Specific Keywords

Keywords searches in Counselling & Education can be tricky. Here's some of Paula's top tips!

  • counsel* (catches counseling, counselling, counselor, counsellor, etc)
  • vocational guidance
  • Canada (use the nation name, not the nationality)
  • put the word AND between separate concepts

Example search string: vocational guidance AND counsel* AND Canada

If you're having an issues with your searches, please let me know.

Moving Beyond Keyword Searches

Use what you've already got.

  • If you're basing your topic off a book or article you've already got or was provided by your professor, you can use this to quickly track down relevant authors and their works.
  • See the references/work cited at the end of a book, chapter or article. If a particular scholar keeps coming up, remember to find out what they've written since.
  • Citation tracing is available through most databases. Click here for step-by-step instructions & tips.

Keeping Track of Your Sources with EndNote

If you are interested in learning to use EndNote, please see our EndNote guide for installation instructions and help resources.

You can get started on EndNote with these videos:

EndNote Part 1: Basics (33:00)  Download slides or transcript

EndNote Part 2: Advanced (42:04)  Download slides or transcript

Please contact if you need EndNote help.