Search for DVDs, streaming video...
Some titles are available through the Kanopy streaming video database by performing a search for "" in the database and choosing it as a supplier when prompted. When the results are listed, scoll down and limit your search by "Year of production" on the left-hand side.
* Due to rising costs our licensing agreement has changed. New titles can be requested in Kanopy and will be sent to the subject librarian for consideration. Each title selected costs $150 for 1 year of access. The librarian will look into all purchase options and weigh them against the remaining budget. If you have questions or concerns, please let your subject librarian know.
Current students, staff, and faculty members also have access to the following streaming video collections. All of the packages featured on this page are licensed for classroom use.
We've received reports about links to videos not working in the Counseling & Therapy in Video and the Video Journal of Counseling Therapy packages.
In the meantime, we may be able to access your video by searching within the database. Here are instructions for locating Ivey's Basic Attending Skills video.
Please continue to report issues to Paula at (i.e., prompts for payment, sample videos, anything that's not your video, etc.). Feel free to attach a screenshot so we can accurately report the issues to the vendor. Thanks!