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GIS & Spatial Data

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and Spatial Data resources available via the University of Lethbridge Library.

DMTI Spatial Data Use License

Please read the DMTI Spatial Data Use License. To access data, click 'I Agree to License Terms' below:

I Agree to License Terms

I am a faculty member, student, or staff member at the University of Lethbridge (the "institution") and I agree to abide by the conditions outlined in this agreement:

I understand and acknowledge that:

  • DMTI is the owner, or the licensee, of the intellectual property rights (including copyright) in these data products, and this Agreement is only a license to acquire and use these data products. No title or other rights are conveyed by this Agreement.
  • These data products are provided 'as is', and the owner makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the appropriateness and fitness for a particular purpose. DMTI encourages consortium members to report data problems to them using its web address: (http://www.dmtispatial.com/)
  • DMTI further encourages consortium members wishing to recommend improvements to these files to communicate their ideas via the following web address: (http://www.dmtispatial.com/)
  • These data products are provided for the exclusive purposes of teaching, academic research and publishing, and/or planning of educational services within the University of Lethbridge, and may not be used for any other purposes without the explicit written approval, in advance, of DMTI.
  • These data products are to be made available only to educators, students and other staff members of the University of Lethbridge (referred to herein as "authorized users") and only while they have such status with the University of Lethbridge.
  • Authorized users are prohibited from using these data products and software in the pursuit of any contractual or income generating ventures either privately, or under the auspices of the University of Lethbridge.
  • Copies of these data and software products may be retained by authorized users for the period necessary to conduct the research or teaching, including their use as evidence of research methodologies and results and subsequent research and analysis during the term of this agreement.
  • The distribution of any data obtained under this agreement outside the University of Lethbridge through sale, donation, transfer or exchange of any portion of the data in any way is strictly prohibited, with the exception of distribution to bona fide participants in this consortium. The University consortium contact must agree to such distribution.
  • The publishing of data and analysis resulting from research using any of the data products is permitted in research communications such as scholarly papers, journals and the like. The data to be included in such communications can only include raster images and must not include vector data. The authors of these communications are required to cite DMTI Spatial Inc. as the source of the data, and to indicate that the results or views expressed are those of the author/authorized user.

I Agree to License Terms