General Information
Borrowing Privileges
Access to Library Materials
Distance Library Services
Interlibrary Loans
Fines Payment
Access to Research Assistance
Other Library Services
Selected Web Links
General Information
Welcome to the University of Lethbridge Library. During your studies at the ULethbridge, the Library will be an integral part of your educational experience. If you have any questions about our resources or services, just Ask Us! We are here to help you.
Library Hours
Noise, Cell Phones, Equitable Access to Computers and More
Library Tours
Access to Library Materials
General Borrowing Guidelines
Summary of Borrowing Privileges:
- 6 week loan period for Main Collection books, with 2 renewals
- 2 week loan for non-current journals
- 7 day loan for audio-visual software
- 6 week loan for Curriculum Lab items, with 2 renewals
- Course reserves
- More borrowing information
Library Cards for Undergraduate Students
- Campus ID Card (serves as Library card)
- No annual fee
- Must be presented at the General Services Desk to borrow materials
- TAL Card
- No annual fee
- Available at the General Services Desk on Level 10
- Provides borrowing privileges in more than 260 participating Alberta libraries (including UofC, UofA, Lethbridge Public Library)
- Must be obtained from the University of Lethbridge Library before visiting participating libraries
- No annual fee
- Available at the General Services Desk on Level 10
- Provides reciprocal borrowing privileges in participating academic libraries across Canada
- Must be obtained from the University of Lethbridge Library before visiting participating libraries
Connecting to Electronic Resources
- On-campus
- Summon Discovery
Books, articles, videos, CDs, DVDs, journal titles, government documents . . .
- Electronic Resources
Electronic databases, ejournals, ebooks, government documents, reference tools . . .
- Off-campus
Distance Library Services
TAL Card
- No annual fee
- Provides borrowing privileges in more than 260 participating Alberta libraries (including UofC, UofA, Lethbridge Public Library)
- Must be obtained from the University of Lethbridge Library before visiting participating libraries
- No annual fee
- Provides reciprocal borrowing privileges in participating academic libraries across Canada
- Must be obtained from the University of Lethbridge Library before visiting participating libraries
Extended Library Services
- For Undergrads enrolled in credit courses on the ULethbridge Calgary campus
- For Undergrads enrolled in or registered in Lethbridge campus courses for which 75% or more of their studies or co-op work term places them temporarily at an off-campus location that is more than 90 kilometers outside the city limits of Lethbridge
- Eligible students must provide the Library with a form signed by their course instructor or study supervisor verifying their temporary need for extended library services
- Extended library services for eligible undergraduates are described in Borrowing Privileges - Package G
Interlibrary Loans (Accessing Materials from Other Libraries)
Interlibrary loan service for distance students is dependent on where you live.
Distance Students who are living within Alberta and at least 90 km outside of Lethbridge may request both types of interlibrary loans (e.g. books or journal articles).
Journal articles are sent electronically to your email address. You must return all other library loans to the University of Lethbridge Library by their due dates using the same delivery methods we used to send them to you (e.g. Canada Post, private courier, etc.). The Library may restrict requests only to Canadian locations.
Distance Students who are living outside of Alberta and Canada may request copies of journal articles or chapters of books which will be sent electronically to your email address.
The Library is unable to offer interlibrary loan services involving other libraries' books because the borrowing time granted by other institutions is insufficient for sending, using and returning materials.
For these students, the Library is happy to provide you with library cards permitting direct use of libraries in your area. For more information on these cards, see the information above: TAL card, COPPUL card.
Unfortunately, these cards (the TAL Card and the COPPUL Card) are not valid outside of Canada. In some cases libraries outside of Canada may request a formal letter from us requesting library service on your behalf. Please contact us if you require this kind of documentation outside of Canada.
Fine Payments
All outstanding fines must be paid in full before library privileges are updated.
Fines payment may be made by mailing a cheque to:
- General Services Desk
University of Lethbridge Library
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4(
Please make cheque payable to the University of Lethbridge)
- using Internet or telephone banking (enter your University ID number as the Account number)
NOTE: If paying by Internet or telephone banking, the University Library will need proof of payment before the fines can be removed from your library record. To obtain this proof, please email the University’s Cash Office at to have them confirm receipt of your payment transaction, and then ask them to notify the Library’s General Services Desk (329-2265) that your fine has been paid.
Access to Research Assistance
Ask Us
Subject Librarians
Help Guides
Citing Sources (APA, MLA,…)
Copyright Information
Database Alert Services
EndNote Guide
Other Library Services
Computers in the Library
- Stand up stations for Internet access
- distributed computer stations (require ULethbridge username and password) for access to:
- Internet
- Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
- Network drives (e.g., P drive)
- DVD/CD burners
- wheelchair-accessible computers
- Laptops for loan at the General Services Desk
- Wireless access for laptops
Study Spaces
- Self-bookable group study rooms
- Study carrels equipped with computers
- Carrels equipped with listening and viewing equipment
- Computers with specialized software to assist persons with special needs
Online Renewals
Selected Web Links
Registrar's Office and Student Services
Course Index