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Aboriginal Health

A University of Lethbridge Library guide to Aboriginal Health research and resources.

Featured Resources

Important Considerations

"Nothing about us without us."

- Marie Battiste (in MacDonald, 2017)

Before embarking on a research project in Indigenous Studies, it is important to think about the reasons for your research and the materials you choose to use. Some questions you should ask:

  • Who wrote the resource you have selected? What is their worldview?
  • What is the purpose of the resource? Of your research?
  • Who benefits from this research and/or resource?
  • When was the resource created?
  • Was the resource created in consultation with Indigenous communities or individuals?
  • How was the information gathered? Why was it gathered?
  • Who owns the research and the rights to the research?

Useful University of Lethbridge Library Sites

Subject Librarian

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David Scott
Office: L1160

Research Guides

These guides were created to help you with research and writing:

For more help, contact your Subject Librarian.