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Book Reviews

A University of Lethbridge Library guide to finding book reviews.

What are Book Reviews

Book reviews are typically short descriptions and evaluations of recently-published books. They may be found in newspapers, magazines, journals, or online, and may be written for a general public readership or for a specialized scholarly or professional audience. For research purposes, you will likely be most interested in reviews of academic books published in scholarly journals.  This guide offers tips on finding book reviews through the library's resources.

Finding Book Reviews

There are a number of ways to go about finding book reviews through the University of Lethbridge Library. This guide covers two:

General and Subject-Specific Databases


Related Guides

Find Books & E-Books – Provides search tips and resources for finding books and e-books.

Evaluating Books – Lists questions to consider when evaluating a book as a scholarly source.

How to Write a Book Review – Describes the components of a book review and offers suggestions on how to go about writing one as an assignment.

Cite Sources – Provides links to manuals and other resources created to help students and researchers cite sources, including book reviews.