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A researcher's guide to History resources at the University of Lethbridge Library.

What is a primary source?

Primary sources refer to documents or other items that provide first-hand, eyewitness accounts of events. They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented. Often these sources are created at the time when the events or conditions are occurring, but primary sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later. Primary sources are characterized by their content, regardless of whether they are available in original format, in microfilm/microfiche, in digital format, or in published format.

Examples of primary sources:

  • Printed texts, including books, newspapers, diaries, pamphlets,  magazines, and journals
  • Manuscripts
  • Maps
  • Paintings
  • Artifacts, including, buildings, clothing, sculpture, coins
  • Audio and video recordings
  • Oral histories
  • Photographs
  • Dissertations
  • Government documents

Primary sources are different from secondary sources, which are written later and usually comment on or analyze historic events or original documents.

Primary Source Databases

Primary sources by period

Ancient Greece and Rome

The Presocratics
Anaxagoras, fragments and commentary
Anaximander, fragments and commentary
Anaximenes, fragments and commentary
Empedocles, fragments and commentary
Melissos, fragments and commentary
Parmenides, fragments and commentary
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, fragments and commentary
Thales, fragments and commentary
Xenophanes, fragments and commentary
Zeno, fragments and commentary

Medieval Europe

Letters of Crusaders
Anselme of Ribemont, Anselme of Ribemont, Letter to Manasses II, Archbishop of Reims (1098)
Stephen, Count of Blois and Chartres, Letter to his wife, Adele (1098)
Daimbert, Godfrey and Raymond, Letter to the Pope (1099)
Conrad III, First Letter to Wibald, Abbot of Corvey (1148)
Conrad III, Second Letter to Wibald, Abbot of Corvey (1148)
Aymeric, Patriarch of Antioch, Letter to Louis VII of France (1164)
Letter from the East to Master of Hospitalers (1187)
Frederick I, Letter to Leopold of Austria (1189)
Sibylla, Ex-Queen of Jerusalem, Letter to Frederick I (1189)
The Duke of Lorraine, Letter to the Archbishop of Cologne (1197)
Frederic II, Letter to Henry III of England (1229)
Gerold, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Letter to all the Faithful (1229)

Blind-tooled book bindings
From the Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve (12 - 18th Centuries)  

This database thus provides access to approximately 400 bindings, the oldest being 12th century Roman creations (1), and the most recent, mid-18th century German. Most are from the 15th to the second third of the 16th century. All were produced in western Europe; more than 60% are of French origin, 30% of German origin; the others are Flemish, Italian, English and Spanish.

Holy feast of Pentecost

Britannia Some of the significant charters, histories, chronicles, accounts, laws and summonses in England and Wales that are now available. They are arranged roughly as they appear in history, from the first century on. 

Early Modern Europe

The Italian Renaissance
Francis Petrarch, Familiar Letters (selections)
Petrus Paulus Vergerius, De Ingenuis Moribus (c. 1404)
Leonardo Bruni, De Studiis et Literis
Battista Guarino, De Ordine Docendi et Studendi
Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, De Liberorum Educatione
Lorenzo Valla, Discourse on the Forgery of the Alleged Donation of Constantine

The Reformation in Germany and Switzerland
Martin Luther, Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (1520) excerpts
The German Mass and Order of Divine Service (1526)
Ordinances For The Regulation of the Churches Dependent Upon the Seigniory of Geneva (1547) excerpts
Complaint of Nicholas de la Fontaine against Servetus (1553) excerpts

The Catholic Reformation
The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent

The Religious Wars
An Account of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day
An Account of the Destruction of Magdeburg

The Witch Hunts
Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, Malleus Maleficarum (1486) excerpts
Jean Bodin, De la demonomanie des sorciers (1580) excerpts
Witch Persecutions at Trier
Witch Persecutions at Bonn
Witch Persecutions at Bamberg
Witch Persecutions at Wurzburg
George Gifford, A dialogue concerning witches and witchcraftes (1593) excerpts
Friedrich Spee, Cautio criminalis (1631) excerpts (in progress)
Ralph and Mary Hall and Katherine Harrison, records of witchcraft, 1665-1670
Samuel Willard, A briefe account of . . . Elizabeth Knap of Groton (c.1671)
Increase Mather, Remarkable Providences relating to Witchcraft and Possessions(1684) excerpts
Cotton Mather, Discourse on Witchcraft (1689) excerpts (in progress)
George Burroughs, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Abigail Faulkner, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Elizabeth Fosdick and Elizabeth Paine, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Dorcas Good, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Elizabeth Hart, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Abigail Hobbs, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Mary Ireson, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Sarah Osborn, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
John Proctor, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Tituba, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692

The Scientific Revolution
Francis Bacon, The Great Instauration (1620) excerpts
Francis Bacon, Novum Organum (1620) complete text

The Enlightenment
John Locke, Two Treatises of Government (1690)
Baron d'Holbach, Good Sense (1772) excerpts
Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary excerpts

Cardinal Richelieu, Political Testament excerpts
Royal Edict of 1626 ordering the demolition of the feudal castles in France
Letters patent establishing the French Academy (1635), excerpts
Jacques Benigne Bossuet, Political Treatise, excerpts
Louis XIV, Letter to the Town Officers and People of Marseilles (1664)
Jean Baptiste Colbert, Memoirs
Accounts of Louis XIV
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (October 22, 1685)

Queen Elizabeth's Proclamation to Forbid Preaching (1558)
The 1559 Injunctions
Elizabeth's Act of Supremacy (1559)
Elizabeth's Act of Uniformity (1559)
The Advertisements (1566)
Selection from the Canons of 1571 (Canon 6. Concerning preachers.)
The Subscription (Thirty-Nine Articles) Act (1571)
Articles Touching Preachers and Other Orders for the Church (1583)
Act Against Jesuits and Seminarists (1585)
The Act Against Puritans (1593)
The Act Against Recusants (1593)
The Millenary Petition (1603)
James' Proclamation for the Use of the Book of Common Prayer (1604)
Directions Concerning Preachers (1622)
The King's Declaration Prefixed to the Articles of Religion (Nov. 1628)
Resolutions on Religion Presented by a Committee of The House of Commons (1629)
The King's Majesty's Declaration to His Subjects Concerning Lawful Sports to be Used (1633)
The Privy Council and the Position of the Communion Table at St. Gregory's (1633)
The Etcaetera Oath (in the Canons of 1640)
The Root and Branch Petition (1640)
Puritan Voices
Charles I, The Declaration of Sport
The Declaration of Right (1689), excerpts

Modern Europe

The French Revolution
Arthur Young, Travels in France (1792) excerpts
Cahiers of 1789: The Clergy of Blois and Romorantin
Cahiers of 1789: The Nobility of Blois
Cahiers of 1789: The Third Estate of Versailles
Cahiers of 1789: The Third Estate of Carcassonne
The Decree Abolishing Feudalism (1789)
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy (1790)
The Proclamation of the Duke of Brunswick (1792)
Documents of the National Convention
St. Just, Republican Institute, excerpts
Napoleon, Account of the Situation of the Empire (1804) excerpts

19th Century Conservatism
The Carlsbad Decrees (1819), excerpts

Joseph Mazzini, The Duties of Man (1844) excerpts

The Revolutions of 1848
Documents of the Revolution of 1848 in France

National Unification
Otto von Bismarck, Memoirs, excerpts

Labor and Socialist Movements
Karl Marx, "Transformation" (1836-1837)
Karl Marx, letters to Arnold Ruge (1843)
Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question (1844)
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, "England's 17th Century Revolution" (1850)
Karl Marx, "Communism, Revolution, and a Free Poland" (1850)
Karl Marx, "The Duchess of Sutherland and Slavery" (1853)
Karl Marx, "Introduction to a Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy," (1857)
Thomas Hill Green, Liberal Legislation and Freedom of Contract (1861)
Karl Marx, Capital (1867)
Karl Marx, "Poland and the Russian Menace" (1867)
Karl Marx, The Abolition of Landed Property (Memorandum for Robert Applegarth), 1869
R. Landor, interview with Karl Marx, New York World (1871)
Karl Marx, Marginal Notes to the Program of the German Workers Party (1875?)
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, "Strategy and Tactics of the Class Struggle (1879)
H., interview with Karl Marx, Chicago Tribune (1879)
Karl Marx, The Civil War in France (1891)
Frederick Engels, "The Law of Value and Rate of Profit" (1895)
The Gotha Program (1875)
The Erfurt Program (1891)
Eduard Bernstein, Evolutionary Socialism (1909)
Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach

The Russian Revolution
Telegram from the American Consulate in Sweden to the U.S. Secretary of State, March 17, 1917 contributed by David Trail
Telegram from the American Consulate in Petrograd to the U.S. Secretary of State, March 20, 1917 contributed by David Trail
Telegram from the American Consulate in Moscow to the U.S. Secretary of State, March 20, 1917 contributed by David Trail


Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life (1789) part one


The Diary of Lady Sarashina (1009-1059)
The Constitution of the Empire of Japan (1889) contributed by Jonathan Dresner, Harvard University
The Constitution of Japan, 1947 contributed by Jonathan Dresner, Harvard University

United States

17th Century Colonial History

Anne Bradstreet, A Dialogue Between Old England and New (1630)
John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity (1630)
The Massachusetts Body of Liberties (1641)
Samuel Willard, A briefe account of . . . Elizabeth Knap of Groton (c.1671)
Increase Mather, Remarkable Providences relating to Witchcraft and Possessions (1684) excerpts
Instructions to Sir Edmund Andros, concerning Rhode Island and Connecticut charters(1686) Commercial Orders to Governor Andros(1686-1687)
Orders for sending Sir Edmund Andros to England (1689) Cotton Mather, Discourse on Witchcraft (1689) excerpts (in progress)
George Burroughs, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Abigail Faulkner, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Elizabeth Fosdick and Elizabeth Paine, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Dorcas Good, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Elizabeth Hart, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Abigail Hobbs, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Mary Ireson, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Sarah Osborn, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
John Proctor, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692
Tituba, witchcraft court records, Salem, 1692

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