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A researcher's guide to History resources at the University of Lethbridge Library.

Finding Canadian Literature

If you already know the book you are looking for, search our library catalogue by Title or Author. TIP type the Author's last name first (ex. Monroe, Alice).

Search by Subject Heading to find additional books on your topic, or books about a particular author.  Examples of the types of subject headings you can use:

  • Authors, Canadian
  • Authors, Canadian Alberta
  • Canadian literature
  • Children's literature, Canadian
  • Canadian literature 20th century
  • Novelists, Canadian
  • Richler, Mordecai

What are book reviews?

Book reviews are typically short descriptions and evaluations of recently-published books. They may be found in newspapers, magazines, journals, or online, and may be written for a general public readership or for a specialized scholarly or professional audience. This guide offers tips on finding book reviews through the library's resources.

Quick links to resources with book reviews