Please visit this page to see additional databases that may be relevant to your studies in Education.
Google Scholar: Search scholarly literature covering many research areas. To determine if the ULethbridge Library has the full-text of an item, conduct a search and click on the Find it @ the ULethbridgeethbridge link from the results list.
See Paula's guide on the right for a step-by-step guide to connecting the ULethbridge Library to Google Scholar.
Note: Coverage and quality is uneven so Google Scholar should be just one of the tools used in research.
How do I find out if my article has a DOI?
How do I generate the stable DOI link required by APA 7th?
Click here for the Crossref Metadata search! (and search by the title of the article)
Do you need a resource that is not included in the University of Lethbridge Library's collection? You can request it through Interlibrary Loan!