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Research in Education

A University of Lethbridge Library guide to resources for Education researchers.

Selected Databases for Journal Articles

Please visit this page to see additional databases that may be relevant to your studies in Education.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar: Search scholarly literature covering many research areas. To determine if the ULethbridge Library has the full-text of an item, conduct a search and click on the Find it @ the ULethbridgeethbridge link from the results list.

See Paula's guide on the right for a step-by-step guide to connecting the ULethbridge Library to Google Scholar.

Note: Coverage and quality is uneven so Google Scholar should be just one of the tools used in research.

DOI help

How do I find out if my article has a DOI?

How do I generate the stable DOI link required by APA 7th?

Click here for the Crossref Metadata search! (and search by the title of the article)

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

Do you need a resource that is not included in the University of Lethbridge Library's collection?  You can request it through Interlibrary Loan!

Connect to Google Scholar