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Research in Education

A University of Lethbridge Library guide to resources for Education researchers.

Library Services for Faculty and Instructors

We offer many services to Faculty, including but not limited to:

  • Copyright information
  • Scholarly communication and Open Access
  • Borrowing guidelines
  • Research and teaching support
  • Course reserves
  • Services for Research Assistants

Library Services for Faculty and Instructors

STP Resources

A selection of resources to help you gather data for extension of probation, tenure or promotion applications. Please feel free to recommend additional resources.

  • Self-archive in OPUS! Benefits include increased visibility for your work through an Open Access version, the ability to track use in OPUS, compliance with the ULethbridge's new OA policy & granting agencies. Simply email a list of your publications to and they will check permissions for you.
  • ORCID id - What is it & why should I get one?
  • Who's talking about your research? Track "Altmetrics" through the Summon Search on the Library's homepage to find data from social media, blogs, news media, policy documents and more.
  • Regarding Google Scholar - see this guide for info on tracing Google Scholar citation data and known limitations of the database.
  • Please note that we do not have a subscription to Scopus.

See this guide for more information on the tools available in Web of Science.

Contact your Librarian

Collection Development

Faculty input is essential to the ongoing development of relevant and responsive collections.  I encourage you to contact me any time with your recommendations.

To accommodate online learning, I'm happy to try to find an e-book or streaming video copy of resources; however, not every title will be available or affordable in those formats. If we have enough time, we can work together to find an alternate resource.

Keeping Current - JournalTOCs

JournalTOCs is a free service you can sign-up with to ensure you're up-to-date on the most recent journal publications in your research area.  Want to know more?  Click here!

Accommodating You and Your Students Online