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Library in-kind contributions to grant funded research

The library provides a variety of in-kind services* for grant-funded research (subject to capacity). This page provides an overview of the services we offer for those looking to quantify these in-kind contributions in grant applications.

If you are interested in getting library support for a grant-funded research project, please submit your request to including a brief description of the project and a submission deadline. The members of the Library’s Research Support Group will consult with Library staff to determine capacity and capabilities, and will endeavour to respond to the inquiry within 10 business days.

Services provided:

Literature reviews
Research Data Management (RDM)
Open data
Open publishing (articles)
Publishing open books or textbooks
Digitization and Digital Asset Management
Workshops and Training
Library spaces

Available library in-kind contributions

Literature reviews

  • Traditional literature reviews: A literature review is a comprehensive summary and critical analysis of existing research and scholarship on a particular topic, providing context, identifying gaps, and supporting the development of new research.
  • Scoping reviews: A scoping review is a preliminary exploration of existing literature on a broad topic, aiming to map key concepts, sources, and gaps in knowledge, often without the detailed synthesis or critical appraisal found in systematic reviews.
  • Systematic reviews: A systematic review is a rigorous and structured synthesis of relevant research evidence on a specific question or topic, conducted through a comprehensive and transparent methodology to minimize bias and ensure reliability.
  • Other forms of knowledge synthesis

In general, librarians do not actively participate in or do searches for research teams*, but they provide information/support on:

  • Understanding different types of reviews
  • Developing search strategies and queries
  • Selecting databases
  • Managing results

In-kind costs

  • Initial consultation (2 hours): $300
  • Consultation: $75/hour

*note: some Librarians are happy to be a member of the research team and perform a complete review for the research project; in those cases, co-authorship would be expected rather than in-kind funding.

Research Data Management (RDM)

  • RDM Planning: how data will be collected, managed, and preserved throughout a research project
  • Training on writing a data management plan (DMP)

In-kind costs

  • Initial consultation (2 hours): $300
  • Training or consultation: $75/hour

Research dissemination – Technology

Consultations, support, and training on:

  • Creating podcasts, videos, websites, 3D models, photographs, graphic designs (posters, presentations, etc.), code, and data visualizations.
  • Equipment (e.g., cameras, 3D scanners, audio recorders, etc.)
  • Software (e.g., audio, word processing, video, etc.)
  • A full list of equipment and software is available on the Project Sandbox website

In-kind costs

  • Initial consultation (2 hours): $300
  • Consultation/Training: $75/hour

Research dissemination – Open data

Consultations and support for open data dissemination, including:

  • Dissemination options: help in finding a suitable data repository
  • Preparing data for sharing/long-term access, licensing considerations
  • Working with the Borealis platform itself, including mediated deposits

In-kind costs

  • Initial consultation (2 hours): $300
  • Consultation or training: $75/hour

Research dissemination – Open publishing (articles)

Consultations and support for the publishing process:

  • Understanding open access (OA) publishing options (preprint, repositories, journals)
  • Selecting an appropriate publication option
  • Using OPUS (ULethbridge’s open access research repository for scholarly and creative works)

In-kind costs

  • Initial consultation (2 hours): $300
  • Consultation: $75/hour

Research dissemination – Publishing open books or textbooks

Consultations, support and training for the publishing process:

  • Understand author rights (including moral rights and copyright)
  • Understanding open licensing (Creative Commons) options
  • Using Pressbooks open publishing platform

In-kind costs

  • Initial consultation (2 hours): $300
  • Year 1 setup: $300
  • Ongoing maintenance: $300 per funding year
  • Consultation: $75/hour

Digitization and Digital Asset Management

Consultation and support for faculty who plan to create or collect a large collection of digital objects as part of their research project (e.g. documents, images, audio files, video files, datasets), including: 

  • Planning for long-term preservation of digital assets after the project is over
  • Setting up a metadata schema for data collection
  • Scanning/digitizing material according to best practices for accessibility and long-term digital preservation
  • Options for publishing research outputs online and making them discoverable on the Web
  • Uploading files to the University of Lethbridge Digitized Collections

In-kind costs:

  • $75/hour (will vary based on project scope)

Workshops and Training

The Library regularly offers workshop and training on a number of topics, including:

In-kind costs:

  • Consultation: $75/hour
  • Workshop/Training: $75/hour

Library spaces

Rooms available for: workshops, meetings, lectures, or other events related to a research project: L1114, L1112, L950

Contact library administration ( for information on technology and capacity of each room.

In-kind costs

  • $60/hour


*for examples/guidelines, please see NSERC, SSHRC, and CIHR's guidelines.


We would like to acknowledge and thank the University of Guelph Library and the University of Regina's Archer Library for allowing us to use their models for this support as a template.